Will I be able to live a long, full life after WLS...

I know that staying MO will definately shorten my life...I am just wondering if I can expect to live to be 60, 70, even 80, after having this surgery. I am 30 right now and my mother has me paranoid about dying "before I'm supposed to" if I have this surgery. This surgery is so new, that we don't hear of any older people alive today who have had we?    — Amy S. (posted on September 8, 2002)

September 8, 2002
Assuming no surgical complications, you should be able to live a normal life. The biggest problem becomes your post-op nutrition. If you short yourself in any area, the price can be pretty drastic. But aside from those issues, I know people who've had these surgeries (and worse--more primitive) in the 70's & 80's who are doing fine, except for the pesky osteoporosis, anemia and protein issues. And those can be circumvented these days with proper supplementation from Day 1. These people were advised to do milk & Tums, no iron. We know better today than we did in the "dark ages", so in essence, you SHOULD (in theory) end up healthier, for longer than you would if you stayed as you are. I know with the mor frequent lab work that I get now, I stay in better health than ever in my life!
   — vitalady

September 8, 2002
Well, I am 32 and I wondered the same thing. I am having my surgery this month on the 26th but prior to making my decision I asked my surgeon this very question. I am (for a fat girl) darn healthy. I asked him if this surgery (RNY) could somehow shorten my life? I told him that I had read that you will only live like 20 years longer after surgery and that some people have said that you can have liver failure and junk like that. He said "NO, that is UNTRUE. It is possible that you could add 20 years more than you would have originally had prior to WLS, but that WLS will NOT shorten your life in any way. As far as things like Liver failure goes, if you keep taking your vitamins religously you will NOT even have to ever worry about that". He basically said that we will be fine post op. He told me specifically that he can't see any reason why I would not live to be 90-95 after WLS. That made me feel much better. Hope this helped??? I was scared about that stuff too.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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