At what weight did you finally begin to see yourself as

I am a size 16 now ( 5 1/2 m post) which I know is still large- but I was walking into a drug store that had a video surveillance TV screen of everyone walking in- And I looked at myself on the screen and thought "Geesh..I look almost normal"...Any ideas?    — ~~Stacie~~ (posted on September 8, 2002)

September 8, 2002
hiya i know that feeling! once i had the surgery i wanted to wear a shirt that said on front and back, "i won't be this fat forever, i had a gastric bypass!" because those who knew me saw the weight coming off but "strangers" still treated me as know how that is! i think when i was in a 12-14 i began to feel normal, like i could say, "the last time i weighed this much, i mean little (lol) was when..." i am now 5lbs below goal weight and when i see my reflection i think, "wow who is that "little" person? oh yea it's me!" during the time since surgery like when i hit plateaus i ask myself, "even though you want to lose more weight, isn't it better to be at this weight than back at 268lbs?" and that helped get me through take care, congrats and good luck! kate open rny 6-14-01 pre op: 268lbs goal: 135lbs current: 130lbs
   — jkb

September 8, 2002
My surgeon keeps telling me that I don't need to lose any more. I'm 5'6" and weigh 155, would love to be down to 135. Of course I feel great, but still feel fat. They had me come in to measure my body fat, and I was shocked that I fell into the NORMAL range. WHAT?? I just couldn't believe it. I guess I need to start seeing myself as normal. This is definitely a mind game. I see myself in pictures and have to study the picture for a while because I am so amazed that I look normal. I don't see it in the mirror. But then sometimes I catch my reflection at the mall and don't recognize the normal person, then realize that its me! Its so crazy!
   — Cheri M.

September 8, 2002
I get startled when I see myself in the mirror- I still have about 60 pounds to go, but now that I am a sz 16 I have the same identity concerns. When you are so used to everyone tying your personality with what you look like, it is confusing when we change so drastically. I don't have the answer to that yet... I guess it is a self-esteem related thing. You certainly aren't alone out here.... take care. -Shelli
   — kultgirl

September 9, 2002
Hi. I think was at the point where I had lost about 50 lbs or so and I was in a dept. store standing on line. No prior to surgery I avoided mirrors like the plague. Well while I was on line I happened to turn and was looking directly at my reflection in a mirror. I had to do a double-take! I didnt even recognize myself. I was minus the huge double chin! I was completely floored and excited. From that point on I started taking more pride in the way I looked. Now I am out 15 months and down to 125 lbs and wear a size 4-6. I am still amazed sometimes!!!
   — Maureen P.

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