Will I be able to manage my low blood sugar?

I have formally been diagnosed with low blood sugar. So I have to eat more carbs to keep it up. Will I be able to manage after surgery? If I don't have this surgery I don't know if I will live either, what do I do? My PCP tells me to talk to the surgeon but I don't see her til the middle of October.    — Alicia K. (posted on September 4, 2002)

September 7, 2002
I also have low blood sugar. Made me very dizzy when I was pregnant. But I am almost 3 months post and haven't had any problems. I still eat a small amount of carbs to keep it up. And I have to eat first thing in the morning to start my day. But, no problems.
   — emilyfink

September 8, 2002
I was told to stay away from carbs for my low blood sugar. Because they metabolize into sugar. I was told to increase my protein level, as this keeps the blood glucose more stable.
   — Lucy T.

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