Correlation between sugar and skin rashes

For years, I suffered with terrible rashes under my breasts, in my arm pits, under my stomach, in my panty line area....and everything I tried never made them stay away. They were bright red, smelled horrendous, oozed, burned, hurt, and itched. My doctor's told me they were yeast infections and were caused from my extra weight laying on top of my skin. I figured he was right! That was one thing I was really looking forward to getting rid of after my weight loss surgery. Well...I expected it to take awhile though. I had my surgery 6 weeks ago...and guess what? NO MORE RASHES! I used to get at least 3-4 a week...and now none! I think I figured out the problem from own research and experience. One thing I have totally given up since my surgery of course is SUGAR. And boy...I used to consume A LOT of it. I would have at least 6 non-diet soda's a day too. Ever since I went to NO sugar and low carbs...I haven't had a hint of a rash! IT is amazing. Has anyone else experienced this? Just curious...    — Shawnie S. (posted on September 2, 2002)

September 2, 2002
Could you be diabetic or pre-diabetic? Yeast infections (candida) are usually caused from too much sugar leaking into your blood/sweat. This normally happens when your insulin isn't working correctly. I had the same problem, but it stopped once the doctor put me in Metformin for my hyperinsulimia/PCOS.
   — Terissa R.

September 2, 2002
A lot of undiagnosed diabetics get yeast skin rashes and full blown vaginal yeast infections. Might be worth checking into.
   — Cathy S.

September 3, 2002
Original poster here...ALthough diabetes runs heavily in my family (my grandmother died from it) I have been checked NUMEROUS times and everything has come back perfect. Not only do I suffer from the rashes...but I also have had cases of thrush in my mouth, which is another form of candida. This has probably been going on for about 7-8 years, and because of it...the doctors have constantly checked me for Diabetes, AIDS etc... Which all came back negative time and time again. I do however, have Lupus, which although candida is not listed as a symptom...I think it has something to do with it. After all, Lupus compromises the immune system just like Diabetes and Aids. So, I am convinced it is related. I was just facinated by the decline in my rashes since I have completely given up sugar! :)
   — Shawnie S.

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