Surgery was Nov 8th, then Sept 10th , then (today) Sept 4th..OMG, OMG..

Way too much to digest in such a short time. I am freaked out, excited, ready, scared. Please give me some soothing words and last minute advise....    — Debby M. (posted on August 30, 2002)

August 30, 2002
Hi Debbie, I can understand you are scared, nervous, anxious, excited, and so on! Congrats, you are almost there! You would be nervous no matter what date they did the surgery. But once you have it, and start losing, you will be so GLAD they moved up your date. I am now 7 mos post-op, down 75 lbs, and feel like a new woman! I am still not thin (need to lose about 75 more to be "thin"), but I FEEL thinner, and I feel GREAT! Every day you get stronger and stronger. The first month after surgery is the absolute hardest, I went through a slew of emotions, anger and resentment that I couldn't eat whatever I wanted, wondering WHY I had to do something so drastic, severly mourned the loss of food, and the "comfort" my head thought it provided, etc. Once I was over that hump, and back to work, things improved and I am THRILLED that I had surgery, wish I did it sooner. Good luck on your journey, my thoughts and prayers will be with you!
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 30, 2002
Debby, we were all nervous and questioning our decision up to the moment they wheel you down to the operating room. But think about why you want this surgery. Think about what led you to this decision, and what would happen to you if you did NOT do this. Thats what I was thinking about. Elayna is right about the first month. It sucks! So be prepared for some adjustments as you move from all liquids to solids, from the pain of surgery and no energy to no pain and more energy. Before you know it, you'll be pounds lighter, more energetic, healthier, and glad you made this decision for yourself.
   — Cindy R.

August 30, 2002
HERE! DEBBY HONEY GET READY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! }}}}}}}}HUG}}}}}}}}}}}}}HUG}}}}}}}}}}}HUG}}}}}}}}}HUG}}}}}}} I haven't got a date yet. As you see from my profile. I have a way to go. I find it so reassuring to know that we no longer have to feel alone. I know a few weeks ago I asked for a hug. Take care and God Bless
   — Aynikaye

August 30, 2002
I know exactly how you feel about your surgery being moved up because I was called one day and asked if I could be ready in 2 weeks, and so it happened. I was excited and scared all at the same time. I am now almost 4 weeks post op and starting to feel great. I did go through the emotional rollar coaster as to why I did this to myself and that I was so different now, but you will get through it as I have. I wish you a save and speedy recovery.
   — Amy C.

August 31, 2002
Good luck to you, My surgery was two weeks ago and I feel great! A little tired, but no pain and the little bit of discomfort is completly manageble. The three days in the hospital were the hardest because you will have a lot of first. First walk, meal, shower. Totaly easy, just take your time.
   — sadierussell

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