What is PCOS and PCOD?
I have seen these terms used, but I still can not figure out what they stand for. Can anyone elaborate please? Thank you — Patricia C. (posted on August 11, 2002)
August 10, 2002
PCOS is an abbreviation for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. I'm not sure
about PCOD...PCOS is an endocrine disease that effects women. It ususally
becomes active at the onset of puberty, though it goes undiagnosed for year
(as it was in my case). Symptoms are (and you can have one or all of them,
that's why they call it a syndrome) weight gain, difficulty losing weight,
thinning hair, dark and excessive body hair, skin tags, insulin resistance,
diabetes, dark skin patches in the groin and under the breasts, irregular
periods, either none at all, or all the time, cysts on the ovaries,
infertility, and fatigue. This is a good website for more information on
the subject.
— lily1968
August 10, 2002
PCOD and PCOS are the same thing as far as I know. The "D" is for
disease and the "S" is for syndrom. It just depends on which term
the doctor uses...
— karmiausnic
August 11, 2002
PCOS and PCOD are the same thing. It stands for Polycystic Ovarian
Syndrome/Disease. It is the number one cause of infertility in women. It
usually occurs in those who are
obese. Some symptoms are cysts on your ovaries, missed or sporadic
periods. It is not curable but you can prevent some things that it causes.
I have PCOS and losing weight
will help tremendously. PCOS can also lead to diabetes and cancer. Hope
this helps! God bless!
— Rebekah A.
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