Has anyone had major increase in TSH count one and a half years post op?

I checked the library and couldn't find a situation that fit mine so I'm writing for help. I had LAP RNY about a year & a half ago. I've been on levothroid for about six years and my TSH count has been in the normal range and I've taken the same dosage of meds all this time. I went for routine bloodwork and this time my count was up to 16 instead of the normal range. The doctor upped my dosage and I go back in several weeks to check it again. I've been really tired and have been losing a lot of hair so I knew something wasn't right. Has anybody experienced this a year & a half post op? I've lost 117 pounds and other than that, I feel good.    — debathens (posted on August 4, 2002)

August 4, 2002
I have been on Synthroid for 10 years. My TSH readings have always tended to be rather erratic and since surgery I did need to increase my dosage. I chalk it up to the aging process and a family history of crummy thyroid function. That said, one of the things that we may deal with as we lose body weight is a necessity to adjust medication dosages. As many of you may know, poundage is often used as a dosing guideline in animals and children. In addition to being able to stop taking my blood pressure meds, I have been able to reduce my Prozac dosgae by 1/2. Fat absords our hormonal output and our medication intake. As our body fat reduces we may need to make adjustments in light of that. This might be especially true if you are using some form of HRT or are receiving hormonal treatment for PCOS or menstrual irregularties.
   — Nanette T.

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