Anyone else...gallbladder?

I've had pain right side under rib cage, with extreme fatigue/weakness, had ultrasound it showed no stones. Pain continued off and on,along with weakness. I went back to PCP, he ordered a hiatal sonogram (nuclear med test). I had another blood draw. Meanwhile I started myself on B12 (sublingual) and started to feel better, was it the B12 or just end of this 'spell'. My blood work came back,I am highin B12 (1499), high in CK (244), high in BUN creatinine ratio (31), and high in ALT (45). Then I had the Hiatal sonogram, they couldn't finish it because my gallbladder didn't show nuclear stuff ever got to my gallbladder. Does this ring familiar with anyone else?? I am very careful about all my vits, I get in 18 - 20 glasses of water per day (I work outside and exercise a lot), I get all my protein in plus at least 2 protein drinks in per day. Do you all see anything? Today I am very tired and have had some loose stools, no pain, but I am on a low/no fat soft diet. I put myself on... I just feel better and I am grossed out at the idea of eating! I will have to wait 4 or 5 days for the dr. results! Any Ideas? Thanks    — Peggy N. (posted on July 20, 2002)

July 20, 2002
I have a dear friend who is aout 6 weeks post op who has the same symptoms as you! (She has been in emergency twice!) After being hospitalized for four days she was diagnosed with pancreatitis. The doctor has put her back on liquidsfor 2 -6 weeks.
   — Linda M.

July 22, 2002
hi. I had pains there for about 2 weeks, 1 week it was constant, then on and off. I went to my surgeon for the check-up convinced it was my gallbladder, and he thought it was too soon. By then I was only 5 weeks post-op. I haven't had any bloodwork done yet for that, so I'm not sure yet how I am with all of that, but I do take my vitamins regularly. But bloodwork for other things came back normal. He has since put me on actigall though to prevent stones, I am feeling better though now. I eat the same amount of fat I did since the pain. I'm sorry you feel as such, just wanted to tell you you're not alone. I know my RN said B12 can make a difference in people with weakness, so maybe it was an aid in yours, too! If i find out anythng, i'll let you know. feel better!
   — Lezlie Y.

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