My BMI is 36.5, but I have reflux, achy joints, and high blood pressure...should I
even try to get approved for this surgery? — Amy S. (posted on July 1, 2002)
July 1, 2002
Most surgeons and insurance companies will consider you to be eligible for
surgery with a BMI of 35 with co-morbidities or 40 with no co-morbidities.
Co-morbidities can include:
1) Heart problems, such as congestive heart failure (CHF), angina,
hypertension or high lipids (cholesterol & triglycerides);
2) Diabetes Type II;
3) Sleep apnea;
4) Cancer;
5) Osteoarthritis;
6) Respiratory problems;
7) Chronic heartburn/reflux disease;
8) Gallbladder disease;
9) Stress Urinary Incontinence;
10) Depression;
11) Infertility
The key to determine if a specific problem is a co-morbidity is to consider
how being overweight affects the condition.
I would definitely move forward backed on the information that you have
— John Rushton
July 1, 2002
Yes, definately!!! Is your HTN controlled? Have you been tested for all
possible comorbs? check out my profile!! It is worth the try!
July 1, 2002
Go for it! I am in the exact same place. My BMI is 37 but I have
high blood pressure, acid reflux, achy joints and back and
I don't sleep well. Tried every diet known to man and some
that I just made up:) I have had a consultation, psyche eval,
and some pre-tests. Just waiting for insurance approval. If
I'm denied - I'll appeal. You do what you know is best for you
and please contact me if you want to commiserate! Bless you.
[email protected]
— Sheila T.
July 2, 2002
My BMI is 36 and my surgery is next Tuesday. Insurance companies are
getting more strict requiring co-morbidities to be very severe or life
threatening with a BMI under 40. But I am living proof that surgery can
happen for a
"lightweight". If you need help along the way including a letter
I wrote myself outlining my co-morbidities. Just ask. Good luck.
— Joanie J.
July 2, 2002
Though most surgeons will say that achey joints and GERD are not life
threatening comorbidities, hypertension IS. Therefore, you SHOULD try to
get a referral for the surgery. You do meet the National Institute of
Health guidelines for the surgery because you have a BMI of greater than 35
with a serious, life threatening comorbidity (hypertension). GO FOR IT!!
The next step you take might just save your life. Good luck. Hugs, Kathie
(in Hawaii)..........
— KathieInHawaii
July 7, 2002
Give it a shot. State your height as a bit shorter. They'll never measure
— DianeN
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