I've vomited a brownish liquid everyday since surgery.

Eating crushed ice, sipping anything, causes a burning sensation and eventually I vomit this brown liquid that apparently is not coming from what I drink but accumulating in my stomach from something else. Did anyone experience this. Could I take Emetrol. If it doesen't stop within the next 24 hours I have to go back to the hospital and I really don't want to. Any suggestions would be helpful.    — San (posted on June 15, 2002)

June 15, 2002
The brownish liquid is one of two things, blood or stool and if it was stool you would know it. I personally would not wait for 24 hours, I would go directly to my doctor or hospital and let them find out where it was coming from.
   — Sherry C.

June 15, 2002
I personally wouldn't wait that long either. I'd see my Dr. as soon as possible. Good Luck to you.
   — Leah H.

June 15, 2002
I don't want to alarm you but all the times I vomited after surgery, I never vomited a brownish liquid. As others have stated, do not let this wait. Call your doctor's answering service NOW, and if he says go to the hospital, do it.
   — Diana M.

June 15, 2002
I can understand your hesitance to go back to the hospital but honey, if you wait too long your stay at the hospital could be longer than if you just go and get what ever is wrong fixed. You went this far to get a healthier body, don't stop here and let your body go down hill. Start taking pride in this body you were given and treat it with respect. Taking yourself to the doc's or hospital will be the best thing at this point. Don't wait. Good luck and I will say a prayer for you. Update us and let us know what the brown stuff is and why, so that you can educate the soon to be loosers for signs to watch out for. Take Care....hugs. :) Michelle Job
   — Michelle J.

June 15, 2002
Hey Sandi, I had 2 strictures and vomited so violently that I was throwing up brown liquid also. I went to the ER at the urging of an RN and it turned out to be blood from a 'Mallory-Weiss tear'. The tear was from the violent vomiting. The brown liquid is NOT GOOD. You definitely need to be seen for that. I didn't want to go back to the hospital either and put it off as long as I could, but then wished that I had gone in earlier. I ended up getting admitted. Please go soon! That is not something that you want to mess around with.
   — Cheri M.

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