Do I need an exorcist or a shrink or a dietician? Please help!

I'm one year post op. I've lost 75% of my weight and am piddling around trying to loose the last 25 pounds or so. I have been under major stress (daughter just graduated, husband has a new job, child ill) but now the heat is off. My son is better, graduation frenzy over, job going well. So why to I wander through the kitchen every evening all evening looking through all the cubbards for something, I am not sure what. I keep browsing, searching for a friendly face in my pantry and shelves. I am restless and cannot find whatever it is. I have tried chocolate, I have tried sex. I have tried forging ahead with to do lists, I have tried going to bed early. I have tried doing longer harder exercise work outs. I know this sounds silly, but it is driving me nuts. I do the checking in with self thing; 'OK self, what would you like?' and self says 'I dunno'. I nibble this and I nibble that, but it nothing quite scratches the itch or quenches the flame. I think I am sick to death of this diet treadmill, but I can't get off. Pre surgery I probably would have had a major binge, but since I can't now, how to cope? Suggestions, please?    — Bobbi G. (posted on June 7, 2002)

June 7, 2002
WOW...I could have written this question! I do the same thing every night. But when I read what you wrote, one thing came to mind. Water. A lot of times when we're thirsty, we thing we're hungry. Try drinking a glass of water...see if that works! I'll try it too! And thanks for asking the made me realize what I should be doing! Good luck!
   — Becky H.

June 7, 2002
Yes, I could have written your post too! For the first time in my life, I am seeing a Psychiatrist once a week. We are diving in and working hard and I do NOT like it. It doesn't "feel good" it doesn't "feel safe" and NEVER before have I admitted that I "stuff my feelings" or admitted (because I loved denial so much) that there is such a thing as "emotional eating" or trying to fill that empty hole. Well here I sit -163 lbs. and I do not want my weight back again, ever! This is my 4th. time losing in excess of 100 pounds. I have never kept it off. I have always sabatoged myself. I'm so compulsive, I just can't seem to help myself. I'm taking baby steps right now. Increasing my fruits and veggies (always protein first!) and drinking a lot of water...and finally, seeing an honest to goodness board certified Psychiatrist. <sigh> I have seen counselors before. I have also been in and out of Overeaters Anonymous, I have joined tops and other diet clubs. My surgery was my tool. Now, my Psychiatrist and I have to keep me there!
   — Barbara B.

June 7, 2002
I'm not as far out as you (only 4 months), but I kept doing the night eating thing, and was always craving carbs. I read a post where someone said the protein curbs those cravings. I was getting plenty of protein daily (60g+), but was doing most of the protein early in the day. I changed my routine to have a protein bar in the late afternoon and it really seems to have banished my nightly cravings. Hope this helps!
   — GGinMA

June 7, 2002
WARNING: the following is just an opinion: You are a stress-junkie, who probably gets bored when there is nothing demanding your attention. Forget the shrink, dietician and exorcist and get a life. Seriously, find the biggest problem you can and get to work solving it. good Luck!
   — merri B.

June 7, 2002
Try eating something that makes you feel full and sticks with you: raw carrots, raw apples, etc. That will tell your brain that it is DEFINITELY not hunger you are feeling. Maybe then your brain will focus on whatever it is that is bugging you instead of focusing on the food. I do the same thing sometimes. :)
   — ctyst

June 7, 2002
I make deals with myself when I'm "wandering" like that. I can have the ______, right after I finish this protein drink. Only rarely does it not do the trick for me. I read an interesting little blurb the other day from the Carb Addicts book. This is the first time ever I've seen a medical reason for our obesity that rings true. If you can browse thru, take the test and read the scoring, it might help you at least put your feelings into perspective. It does NOT make this a mental problem, but gives medical reasoning for our mechanical problem. Fascinating.
   — vitalady

June 7, 2002
LOL! I love that "keep browsing looking for a freindly face.." That's me when I'm bored. So today I have this extreme desire to have licorice. I was ready to get in the car to get some but remembered that I have some "extra tender Jack Links beef jerky steak nuggets". I ate about 3 of them and it took away all my cravings. Try the new nuggets, they are really good! Good Luck!
   — ZZ S.

June 7, 2002
I'm still a pre-op so keep in mind that I don't really know exactly what you may be going through. But I agree with the poster who stated you may be a stress junkie. Now that the 3 crisis you were experiencing (graduation, job change, sick child) have been resolved your body is looking for something else to stimulate the adrenalin it was getting before. I think both your mind and body are looking for something to stimulate it - How do you feel about horror movies? Ha Ha ! just a suggestion, I'm not even sure if that will be effective but I think you get my drift. Good Luck and I hope you find what your looking for.
   — Elva C.

June 8, 2002
Thanks for all the feedback and support. I felt better just reading your answers. Here is what I did; went shopping and spent $114 on self and am doing my best to shrug off the guilt. I also went to a movie with a friend. Didn't even THINK about food until I got home and then drank some milk and toddled off to bed. Thank you all!
   — Bobbi G.

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