I am 3 weeks pre-op and am experiencing a terrible sick feeling in my stomach. I may

have eaten too many "last meals". Please don't laugh at this question!!!! I know I can expect to be sick in the stomach after surgery. My tummy is huge now and have a lot of sick feelings, when all I have is my little pouch will the sick feeling still be as great as it is right now. Hope this is not a silly question and someone will answer me. Thanks    — Leah S. (posted on June 2, 2002)

June 2, 2002
Hi. Don't despair! The kind of nausea I experienced the first several weeks post op was like nothing I had EVER experienced before. It was AWFUL...I read on this board at the time that sugarless peppermints, or peppermint tea helped combat the feeling so I tried them and you know what, they really did help alot. Not really nauseated anymore now, unless I eat too fast, or too much. Also, it has only been the last couple of weeks (I'm four months out - RNY)that I know when I feel full...couldn't tell before so I had to rely on eating the recommended portions that I received from my dietician and surgeon. The feeling will go away...until then, try the mints and continue to ask around for other remedies that post ops have tried to relieve it. Warmest regards,
   — Ann B.

June 2, 2002
Hi! This is a "ME TOO" answer. I am 9 1/2 mos post op and still sometimes get an "icky tummy" if I eat or drink too fast. I sometimes get a sick feeling for no reason at all. What I can eat today, may make me a little queasy tomorrow. I had ALOT of nausea in the first 3-4 months and now it's just every now and then. I find that LOTS of little tiny meals work better for me than alot at one time. So I just eat all day. I have a 1/4 piece of toast w/peanut butter for breakfast w/2 cups of hot tea(calms the morning stomach) and then I have at least 2 little snacks in the morning( a couple of crackers or about 6-7 grapes)then a 1/2 taco for lunch and then I try and get in nuts and raisins most of the afternoon with a few crackers tossed in. Then for dinner a 2 oz chicken breast and maybe some salad or veggies. then another little snack, like a high protein peanut butter cookie and some hot tea in the evening. I find that if I eat something about 30 mins before bed, I don't have a queasy tummy in the morning. So I have 3-4 oz of milk and another cookie. I get my waters in(or most of the 60 oz)....Works for me...try and eat little itsy bitsy meals.....GOOD LUCK!!
   — Joi G.

June 2, 2002
You know, I've always been a little queasy, too. Once I got past the anesthesia, and some break-in work (learning to chew, what liked me, what didn't), I have very little nausea now. If I do, it is fleeting. I think the problem was the acid which then was locked away safely in the lower stomach where it could do no harm.
   — vitalady

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