Need bladder lift, can I do it before surgery?

I went in to my family Doctor for a pelvic and pap, and found out I have a sagging bladder. Can I have that repaired within a few months of having my weight loss surgery, or do I need to wait until after?    — Linda C. (posted on May 29, 2002)

May 29, 2002
My first thought would be to look into doing them at the same time. I would prefer just one hospitalization and one recovery. Shelley
   — Shelley.

May 29, 2002
What is a "bladder Lift"? I've had problems with my bladder for 9 years and wonder if this is something I should look into. I tried an internet search on "bladder lift" and came up with nothing.
   — Danmark

May 29, 2002
I need the same thing done, and they told me not to have them done together, but they are going to do a hysterectomy with my bladder suspension first, and then wls a few months down the road.
   — Geri K.

May 30, 2002
I also need a bladder lift (actually, I need my entire pelvic floor supported, as I also have a prolasped uterus) and begged my surgeon to do both my RNY and bladder lift at the same time. He absolutely refused. They are two very different operations, and the total length of time in surgery is too long for both surgeries. He suggested having the RNY first, as weight loss does help the stress incontinence. Two months after my RNY, I saw my gyno, and he wanted to wait at least a year to do the lift. The good news is that at 65 pounds gone, the incontinence is much more liveable. I have gone from a Depends pad to a Depends panty liner, and most days, I don't even need it - and that's with drinking a lot more water now. I suggest you have the RNY first, as bariatric surgeons are more prepared to operate on obese patients. After you have lost weight and have regained your health (my RNY surgeon told me at 5 months, I was completely recovered), you'll be in a much better position to have other surgery.
   — Cyndie K.

May 31, 2002
I would recommend waiting! I also had incontinence before surgery. It had gotten very bad. I was on medication for it but it still was a daily problem. I came out of the hospital from WLS off the medication and the incontinence was gone. I am now 5 1/2 months post and down 99lbs. My DS and weight loss solved the problem.
   — grammie5

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