Has anyone out there been denied surgery from a Dr. due to having a previous surgery.

I have been told by 2 surgeons in my area that I am to great a risk because of the surgeries I have had before the other bypass, then a take down and 2 more related surgeries from complications from the take down. But now I have gained 100 lbs have sleep apnea, diabetes, asthma, knee problems, back problems. It looks to me like the problems I now have are just as great a risk to my health if not more.    — michelle F. (posted on March 13, 2002)

March 13, 2002
Michelle, can you tell me what a take down is? IS this another name for a reversal?
   — ScatCat

March 13, 2002
Yep she was reversed. You will HAVE to travel to find a surgeon who sPECIALIZES in such cases. You might check out mine. See my profile, pittsburgh is NOT that far to get a GREAT surgeon..
   — bob-haller

March 14, 2002
I also had the intestinal-bypass, back in 1977. Mine, however, has never been taken down, but I have gained 100lbs back, and looking to have a revision. I do NOT understand why they would consider you a high risk, since the take-down has basically put your insides back to normal. Did they give you any specifics? Sounds to me like they may be protecting their success records and are afraid of dealing with POSSIBLE issues. Ask them why they feel that way, then find a surgeon with more confidence in his own abilities. Best wishes.
   — csrodriguez

March 14, 2002
I know Dr. Douglas Hess does Alot of the revision surgeries. He is in Bowling Green Ohio He does the BPD with the DS. Look his name up on this web site.
   — RobinLPN.

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