Are the risks of gastric bypass the same or comparable to c- section?

Is the pain similar? Is the recovery(at least the incisional healing)the same?    — kyle S. (posted on February 20, 2002)

February 19, 2002
Hi, Not necessarily. There are many factors to take into account.Pain threshold is a big factor. What one person rates as a 2 or 3 (on the pain scale) another may say is an 11. As far as incisional healing goes---that too is an individual thing. Circumstances vary,i.e. heredity, infections, skin types, age. Having said all that---pain goes away, scars heal and we are left with a healthier,happier body. Good luck with your surgery!!Diane
   — Diane D.

February 20, 2002
The risks are those, (any abdominal surgery), plus a few others. So, yes, some risks are general surgery risks and then we have a few specific to our type of surgery. I didn't have c-section, but I can say the INTENSITY of pain never reached what regular labor does!
   — vitalady

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