Can we ever get rid of the fat on our stomachs without surgery?

Hi. I'm 3 months post op open RNY. I've lost 70 pounds so far and am really happy with the weight loss. I seem to have lost weight everywhere, except for my lower abdomen. Both of my children were c-section births and I've always had quite a large lower abdomen. I don't think I've lost any inches in that area. Is this the last to go? Can anything be done to make it disappear faster? I do exercise, although it is mostly walking. Thanks.    — Paulette W. (posted on February 15, 2002)

February 15, 2002
I think it can't help but reduce along with the rest of you as you continue to lose weight. I did find that some areas slimmed down faster than others, but eventually, the weight does come off all over. I don't know specifically about you, but for many of us, it's hard to tell exactly what is fat & what is excess skin. And, the lower abdomen is one of those places where the loose skin seems to immediately replace the lost fat. That's why abdominoplasties are so common for us. You can exercise all you want, but it won't affect the loose, extra skin very much. Just keep on losing & exercising & then if at the end of your weight loss you still have a problem with your lower abdomen you can probably have a surgeon remove all that stretched out nasty skin & tighten & tuck things up nicely! :) One suggestion: it's never too early to start documenting any problems with your skin or aches, etc that might be due to excess abdominal skin--if you plan ahead, you may find it easier to get your insurance co to approve plastic surgery down the road...that is, of course, IF you want and/or need it by then.
   — Kathy W.

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