I am 3 weeks post op and I have terrible acid reflux

I can keep water down but thats it. Everything I eat, which isnt much 2 tbls of pureed pea soup, seems to make my new pouch burn and acid or bile comes back up. Im miserable. Any idea of what it could be?    — Barbara M. (posted on January 26, 2002)

January 26, 2002
That does not sound normal. Acid/Bile should not be backing up. I would talk to your doctor about this ASAP. There is a chance that not all of the acid pumps in your stomach were separated which could explain it if it is acid. In that case they can put you on liquid pepcid. They put me on it when I had a tear in my stomach from throwing up so much from a stricture, just in case there might be acid which would irritate the tear. So there is a possibility of acid being present, although not real common. Bile is another story. That wouldn't be good. I hope you figure out whats going on and feel better.
   — Cheri M.

January 27, 2002
Dear Cheri, This happened to me and the dr. gave me carafated which relieved my symptoms right away. I couldn't take anything but water either and I did have a closed stoma which caused everything to come back up again. Get to your dr. asap because the acid can irritate the stomach lining and things can get worse. Good luck Lori Tan
   — lori T.

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