Im pre op 5'5 438 lbs--what is a realistic goal weight??

   — TRULUV2329 (posted on January 13, 2002)

January 13, 2002
I am also 5'5" and a realistic goal for me is 130lbs to 145lbs.. I started at 230 lbs. but there is no reason you cannot achieve this also. I am now at 144 lbs. after 8 mos. It will take you longer but you WILL do it, and 5'5" and 145 lbs is ....are you ready.....a size 8!!! Best Wishes
   — Tina C.

January 13, 2002
Hi, I'm 5' 5 1/2 and I started at 325 I'm 31 days post op and down 32 1/2 lbs.. my surgeon and I figured 170 lbs would be a realistic goal for me. I'm pretty comfortable with that, but if I get under that.. then that will be cool too.. good luck :)
   — Carrie B.

January 13, 2002
Hi I'm 5'5" to My starting weight was 434 My surgery was on 10-16 and am now done to 353. My dr said half of what I started at would be a great amount for me to lose. If I lose more fine and if not thats okay because I already feel better than I did. Donna Williams
   — Donna W.

January 13, 2002
I started at 407 and, in 10 months, have lost 161 lbs. I have set my goal at 190, since I'm very tall and have an extra large bone structure. (This goal weight was recommended by my surgeon.) So, I guess I'm now 56 lbs. from goal. I am still losing at a rate of 11-13 lbs. per month, so I am confident I will reach my goal. Just ask your surgeon what he/she believes you should strive for, and GO FOR IT!
   — Terissa R.

January 13, 2002
Melissa, you asked for a "realistic" goal. Here is just my opinion. Throw away whatever you have heard from postop about how much they lost. Just forget it. You, as everyone else, will be different. Goals? Maybe the first should be to get under 300. After you accomplish that, then make is under 250. After that 200. The reason I say this is because we are so used to setting ourselves up to fail. This way, you can be proud of every "goal" met. Some of us lose all the weight and some of us are so very happy at losing half of what we were. It's individual but don't set yourself up before surgery for disappointment. Make realistic goals and change them as they are accomplished. Good luck to you.
   — Barbara H.

January 14, 2002
I agree with the previous poster! Pay no attention to anyone else's weightloss history. It's irrelevan to you...or me. We're all indivuduals and our bodies all react differently. If I were in your position, My first petsonal goal would be to get under 300. That's a reasonable goal at your weight and you'll reap huge benefits just by doing than. Then when you hit that goal, you can think about another goal. Don't put too much pressure on your self. And don't compare yourself to others.
   — [Anonymous]

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