Please help me with some rashes

I know that I am NOT alone...but I need some help. I am currently preop at 5'5,300 pounds. I have been getting these absolutely horrible rashes under my breasts,between my legs, under my stomach, under my arms etc.... They are bright red,absolutely huge, burn terribly (almost like a really bad sunburn) and then itch continuously as they heal. Oh... and they SMELLL really really bad. I have to shower 2-3 times a day just to keep others from noticing. To me, it smells worse than something dying. It is totally embarrassing! I am a very clean person. I have been to my doctor many times regarding them and I have been told over and over again that they are yeast infections. I have been prescribed every thing under the sun by my doctor and have tried EVERYTHING over the counter for them. Everything works for a few weeks...and then my body seems to magically become immune to the medicines/powders/creams... and I just keep getting them. The only medicine that ever worked for me really good was a cream called LORTISONE, but you have to get it by prescription. My doctor stopped giving it to me about a year ago, because he said that because it had steroids in would cause thinning of my skin over long periods of use. I could handle 1 or 2 rashes once in awhile...but I probably have get 20-30 rashes a month!!! I can't go a single day without one or two starting up somewhere else. I have even had six at one time!!! It has been so bad that I can't even walk because it hurts so bad between my legs. Does anyone have any ideas? Does anyone else get them as bad as me??? Will this surgery help them go away after I lose the weight? I think I started getting them at about I am thinking weight has a lot to do with it... But any ideas would be great. Thanks so much!    — [Anonymous] (posted on December 8, 2001)

December 8, 2001
I don't get the rashes nearly as often or as bad as you do from the sounds of what you have described, however, what works for me in the extra strength Gold Bond Powder. Now, it may feel like its burning at first, but it starts to cool. I would take a nice long bath or shower, clean the areas very well, then PAT the areas dry with a towel...don't rub! The put the Gold Bond on ... reapply as necessary. Hope this helps if you haven't already tried it!
   — Jacque P.

December 8, 2001
I suffered with this for years, pre-op til the day of my TT. I used powders and all that, cornstarch, NOTHING helped til I used an antifungal cream. I started with Lotrimin, then moved to the store brand. I washed and dried thoroughly and applied the anitfungal. Did this 3-4 times a day for the first few days, then tapered down until I was doing it once/day. And I did it once/day til the day that huge bagwas gone. Except during the summer, sometimes I had to go back up to twice/day. But the yeast are live things, so you have to wash them off, then dry (they are happiest in warm & moist) and then KILL them with the antifungal. I would not even confuse the issue with powders for awhile, since we don't know if they chemically change the antifungal. Over the years I used this treatment, I found I got better results with JUST the cream, no powders, no other changes in routine. Just wash, dry, cream.
   — vitalady

December 8, 2001
I've had this problem for years and the biggest culprit I've found is "moisture." Even the slightest bit of moisture in those areas became a breeding ground for whatever it is that grows there. Everything went away, though, once I began using my hair dryer to make sure I was absolutely dry, used antifungal cream each day till the rash went away, then Gold Bond Medicated Baby Powder to keep it from happening again. Hope this helps.
   — Linda W.

December 8, 2001
Girl, I know how you feel, but I only have the rashes between my legs and I know that smell is awful. My grandmother advised me to use cornstarch(the old remedy)and I found it works great, but one thing is I have to make sure that I am completely dry before putting it on or it will not work. I hope you will find something that helps.
   — Crystal R.

December 8, 2001
When I have this (and it is raw) I first use a anti fungil medication like vagisil for the firts 3 or four days then after it has cleared up a bit I use the Gold Bond powder every other day to keep it away. I get this on my neck also so it is important to keep it cleared up. Hope this helps
   — blank first name B.

December 8, 2001
I get, or should I say, used to get itchy, red rashes under my boobies. After showering I started using Gold Bond powder and within a day or 2 the rashes would be gone. Now, after I shower I put deodorant on under the boobies and it seems to keep the rashes under control. :-)
   — [Anonymous]

December 8, 2001
If your doctor has run the gammit and has no new ideas on how to treat and/or control your rashes, I would suggest contacting a dermatologist or wound specialist. I had a terrible yeast infection post op and was put on lotrimin topically and Diflucan orally. That cleared up my problem quickly. Using a hair dryer (on low) to dry the the areas in the folds of your skin befor applying creams or powders can help. Keeping dry seems to be essential to prvention and comfort. I found using a mans cotton hankerchief in the band of my bra helpful. My sister found wearing men's jockey shorts helped her in the lower region. Eating yogurt with active ingredients can also help. Sugar seems to help yeast thrive so you might want to avoid that . Good luck, I am sorry that you are so miserable right now but don't give up hope!
   — [Anonymous]

December 8, 2001
I have had this problem all my life. My doctor also prescribed the same medication you mentioned. Then it was no longer available to my insurance plan. My PCP had me to mix over the counter hydrocortisone cream and Lotrimin (or generic lotrimin). The lotrimin takes care of the fungal infection and the cortisone stops the itching. Also after getting out of the shower, stand in front of a small fan to dry completely. (Very important)
   — [Anonymous]

December 8, 2001
In addition to daily use of baby powder in all skin folds daily, especially after showering, when I get a rash that tends to develop into a yeast infection, the very *best* product I've ever found is one that my OB/GYN prescribed. It's Mycolog II cream--it's so good that my physician calls it "Magic Cream." For me, it has been. It's available only by prescription.
   — CaseyinLA

December 8, 2001
I understand how you feel. I get then under my boobs and once or twice in the next set of folds. I've been through a lot of the Dr prescribed creams and found that plain old baby cream works best. I use the zinc based one and it clears the rash within two days and makes the skin softer. I also tend to apply it the day after the rash has gone just to make sure no spores are lurking about. Hope it helps.
   — blank first name B.

December 8, 2001
I use plain old men's generic anti-fungal cream- (jock itch and athlete's foot are just like our infections- just different names!) A Rx suggested it to me, since the ingrediants are just like what you'll find in the fancy "women's" stuff. Compare the ingrediants next time you are at the store, save half the cost.
   — Karen R.

December 9, 2001
Hey, I really wanted to cry when I read your question. Probably for the last ten years I have experienced this off and on. The rashes really hurt and although I have tried everything that people here have suggested, nothing has really worked consistently. I just want you to know you are not alone and because you posted this question I don't feel so alone either. Good luck and God Bless.
   — Brenda E.

December 9, 2001
I did two things, first I bought this creanm at the pharmacy my doctor told me about It is called Paladin and is in the baby section, it is used for yeast infections and rashes on babies and it was quick and inexpensive. Next I swithched to Dial soap and have not had another reaccurnace in over 2 years. Good Luck! These rashes will make you crazy!
   — MaryAnn51

December 9, 2001
I was going to say that too! Dial soap seems to work better because of the anti-microbial stuff than 'moisturing' soaps. Also, I used to use anti-prespirant/deoderant on all my body folds to reduce moisture, smell and risk of rash. Minimizing the amount of sugar you eat will help too as that seems to foster yeast and bacterial growth. Good Luck!
   — merri B.

December 9, 2001
My doctor prescribed Nystatin cream and it cleared it right up. You might also start taking acidolphilus.
   — Kathleen F.

December 9, 2001
I have found that Gold Bond extra strenth power works the best. It can kick ANY rash in 24 hours. It is well worth the risk of trying it. It is cheeper that prescribed meds. The smell remind me of Ben Gay. They do have unsented too.
   — Katrina C.

December 10, 2001
I too am glad that I am not the only one. I will say, losing weight has always helped, but I still tend to get rashes underneath my "apron" (the hanging down part of my stomach). They also smell like &&^%$%#! Here is what I do to clear it up. Takes about a day or so, but the number one thing is STOP SCRATCHING! I know that the itch is killing, but scratching just seems to make it spread for me. Take a shower before bed and wash the area thoroughly. Dry it well (this is the trick)and put some soft cotton material(I usually just "tuck" my t-shirt under the apron)on it so that the skin doesn't touch. By morning, it has had a good chance to dry out and is usually gone. When this is not enough, the god send is A&D Ointment. Learned about it in the nursing home I used to work in. the morning, if you still have some rash, us the A&D. Again, for the night time though, shower, clean away all of the A&D and let it get a chance to dry overnight. The key for my "smelly rashes" is the drying out part. Hope that this helps and thanks for being the one brave enough to ask the question!
   — Kierstin C.

December 10, 2001
This definitely sounds like a yeast (candida) infection. The smell is the giveaway. Each area you're suffering is oftentimes moist from sweat or not being completely dried off after a bath or shower. Some otc meds can help, but if you find a vaginal powder that is used for yeast infections, that will probably help. You've got to kill the yeast for it to stop.
   — scottiemaam O.

December 10, 2001
RESINAL....... It works better than anything I have found.I buy it at Wal-Mart.
   — Lisa S.

December 25, 2001
i have experienced the same problem. believe it or not i use lotrimin (foot fungus ointment) you can get it at walmart. after i get it cleared up i use baby powder with cornstarch under my breast,folds,etc. excessive showering seems to make it grow. yeast is a fungis and fungis loves dampness. hope this helps.
   — charlean R.

January 12, 2002
I've been plagued with this problem before as well. My doctor prescribed a 3-month course of Lamisil tablets. They are the pills that get rid of toenail fungus. They can play havoc on your liver so you shouldn't take them for long and you might have to have blood tests while your on them to monitor how your body reacts. I took this treatment more than two years ago and my rashes are only just now coming back! Creams, powders, etc. help, but don't cure. Even the Lamisil cream that you can buy at the drug store only helps temporarily. Tell your doctor you've tried them but the rash keeps coming back. The pills worked miracles for me!
   — Audrey B.

January 12, 2002
HI there, I too have had problems with this for several years. I found that the best thing to clear it up is Desitin, the kind you buy to use on baby's rashes... I believe the rash is caused from moisture. Desitin, covers it and seals out wetness so it doesn't get worse, it stops the pain and itchiness as well. A tube of desitin lasts me a long time and it's not too expensive. The smell is like that of a baby so it's no big deal. Hope this helps..soon we will be on the other side and hopefully won't have to deal with this horrible problem!
   — psychdoc B.

February 17, 2002
HI there. I too have gotten those rashes and it is awful!! I get Lotramin with 1% hydrocortizone. You can get it over the counter. ON impact, it helps and clears up almost instantly. I keep some on hand all the time! I even by the genertic brand, and that is a lot cheaper. usually around $5- $7.
   — Sonya P.

March 2, 2002
My doctor recommended that I get jock inch cream. It works great. I am going to try the diaper rash cream. Thanks
   — Rebecca H.

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