I am scheduled for surgery in 12/01. I will be having 3 surgeries together

I will be having the RNY, a gall bladder removed and a hernia repaired. Does anyone experienced this and any advice pre or post surgery to make things go better?    — mc H. (posted on September 5, 2001)

September 5, 2001
I had five procedures at once.....An OpenVBG (down 71lbs in 12 weeks!) two hernias repaired, gallbladder removed, and a grapefruit-size mass (benign) removed from lower abdomen. My incision ended up being a bit longer, about 13 inches from sturnum to just below the navel, but basically, I don't think the combination made a whole lot of difference in recovery. Of course, the longer you are actually in surgery, the rougher shaking off the effects of anethesia is. I was in for four and a half hours. I've had surgery 7 times before, and I think this was the worst in that respect. It took me about five weeks to get that foggie/irritable/emotional feeling gone. (at least that's what anesthesia does to ME)....anyway - you'll do just fine - and good luck!!
   — Cathy J.

September 5, 2001
My surgery was just last Thursday. I had the lap RNY and a tubal ligation. I made sure to get plenty of sleep before the surgery, and I started on protein shakes to supplement my regular diet because protein helps your body heal and become strong and healthy before the surgery. I must tell you, the recovery has been great so far, so this advice is sound. I also stopped taking all meds except for my blood pressure medicine, AFTER getting the ok of my doctors, of course. Multivitamins contain vitamin k which is a clotting agent--discontinue these also if your doctor approves. Best of luck!
   — Susan E.

September 6, 2001
I had the same thing done on 08-02-01. Follow the doctor's orders EXPLICITLY!! Be prepared for pain, and don't try to do too much too soon. Walking will be painful at first, but do it, and you'll get better faster. Also, have a good support team with you around the clock to help ward off visitors, help you get up, etc. Good luck!
   — robinkc

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