I now know what ketosis is, but what are symptoms besides breath?
After having read answers the last couple days about what ketosis is, and how to use strips to measure it, I'm a little worried. How do you know when you have this problem? My doctor never said to test yourself for this kind of a problem. I've heard the bad breathe symptom, but I don't know my own breath and no one's Are there any other things to look out for? Thanks. — Tracy L. (posted on August 29, 2001)
August 29, 2001
Hi Tracy, The breath can get bad, however it is hard to smell yourself :)..
I can only recommend the strips, you dont need a prescription for them and
they are about ten dollars, any pharmacy has them, they are your best
method of checking for ketosis.
— catherine J.
August 29, 2001
Hi. I'm thinking there is a misunderstanding here. Ketosis is NOT a
"problem". It is the DESIRED RESULT. It is merely a measurable
indication that your body is BURNING FAT. This is a GOOD thing! All it
means is that your urine on a dipstick will tell you (you're a quart low -
just kidding), that your body is burning fat. The dipstick will turn
varying shades of purple, indicating how much or how little fat is burning.
That's all. Nothing to worry about - you WANT this to happen. The fact that
you get a little bad breath is just the side-effect of a lot of fat being
burned up as calories. Mouthwash and more frequent brushing of teeth helps,
as well as drinking a lot of water to help the kidneys flush out, which WLS
patients are supposed to do anyway. I had ketosis while I was on Atkin's
diet, and it was a hallmark of success, that I was burning fat and losing
weight. It is not a problem, it is what you WANT to happen. I had no other
side-effects except for a SHRINKING roll of fat! Hope this helps clarify.
If you have other questions, go to the top of this page and click on the
LIBRARY selection - they have a wealth of information about many, many WLS
topics and questions. Good luck!
— Lisa D.
August 29, 2001
If you have ever been in ketosis you wouldn't have to have
anyone tell you that your breath is bad the taste will let
you know. I curb the nasty breath with SF breath mints or gum.
Also drink drink drink water! Like the poster below said,
we are supose to anyway but the kidneys have to keep flushed.
My saving grace is that I imagine the the fat is pouring out
of me when I am needing the bathroom many Xs a day. Good luck...
— [Anonymous]
August 29, 2001
I agree with Lisa, ketosis is not a problem, you want to have it; that
tells you you're loosing the weight. If i were you wouldn't bother
expending money in the strips,what for? you know you'll go into ketosis
that's why you're having the surgery done.
— [Anonymous]
August 29, 2001
I disagree with Lisa. You don't need to be in a state of ketosis to lose
your weight. This state is unhealthy and can cause long term damage to your
liver and kidneys. Yes, the weight will come off faster, but at a price
you don't need to pay. The surgery will get you there, without stressing
your organs, it is just not that necessary to be so restrictive with
carbohydrates, careful, yes, extreme no. I didn't have surgery to be on a
— blank first name B.
August 29, 2001
I am sorry but I have to put my two cents in as it were. Ketosis is just
that Ketosis. The symptoms are metal taste in your mouth, decreased
appetite and increased energy. Ketosis can be good or bad depending on the
level you are at. The only way to know is to test with the strips.
Everyone is different and go into ketosis at different levels of
carbohydrate intake. I can take in less than 45 carbs per day and barely
show trace. Some people can take in 90 carbs and show moderate. You will
just have to test the waters but be aware that when the stick shows dark
YOU ARE BURNING MUSCLE PERIOD. A lot of things will monkey with the
reading on the stick. As well as human error, your level of hydration and
time of day you test will make a difference. The only reason you should
test for ketones is to make sure you aren't too high. If you are be sure
you are taking in all your water daily and try testing the second specimine
of urine in the day. If you test the first you are getting junk from the
day before and specimines later in the day will be diluted from the water.
Water is very important to keep your organs healthy. Trace or small
amounts of ketone bodies in your urine are not going to damage anything but
when you get further down the line, you are asking for trouble if it is a
consistant problem. Dont stress too much about it. Anyway good luck.
Michelle Funk, RN
— Michelle F.
August 29, 2001
Something very important to point out is "protein". As long as
you are taking in enough protein your body will minimally feed on the
muscle when you are in the state of ketosis. If you are not eating enought
protein, then your body is going to feed on the muscle when in ketosis. I
recommend a book called "The Ketogenic Diet" by Lyle McDonald if
you want all the scientific facts on Ketosis and ketogenic dieting.
— Brenda S.
August 30, 2001
If you want to read a mdical article on this topic by someone who is not
trying to sell you something try this link.
— blank first name B.
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