I have been approved for my panniculectomy. How long have most people been off work?

What is the recovery period like after the panniculectomy? I am also having a thyroidectomy performed during the same time, so I know that will also complicate my recovery. How long is the average hospital stay? How long before exercise can be resumed? How long have most people been off from work following the surgery? Is help needed in the home post-op? Any personal experiences you can share would be great!    — Mari R. (posted on August 18, 2001)

August 18, 2001
I had my abdominoplasty (you may want to check into having this done instead of merely the panniculectomy -- the PS tightens the stretched out muscles so you will have a much better result and a flat stomach) in addition to a neck lift (the same thing as a lower face lift virtually) and stayed overnight in my PS's surgical suite and was home the next morning. No one was there to assist me and I did fine. Started driving again 3 days later and back to work after a week. The only "tips" I can offer are to stock up on chuks (disposable hospital pads to keep under your butt in your recliner and bed) and Kotex to keep on your drainage sites. This cuts down on bedding and clothing changes as the drainage can be pretty monumental for the first few days. I learned this the hard way when I had to change my sheets and jammies 3 times the first post-op day -- something I really wasn't up to. You can also fashion something (I used a chain belt) to hang your drains on so you can shower unassisted. Obviously, stock up on easy to prepare foods and fill your prescriptions prior to surgery and just get ready to veg and recover for a few days. You should ask your PS about when and how to exercise as it will depend on how fast you heal. With the abdominoplasty you won't have to bother with ab exercises (and w/o it, no amount of exercising will tighten your stretched out ab muscles).
   — Jill L.

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