I am 3 wks post-op (RNY proximal). I have lost 22 lbs, and I know I am

impatient AND scared I won't enough weight. I can't really see any wt. loss from my body (even though I see it on the scales). I have a stomach that lops over and pooches out. Will this go away eventually? I know I'll probably have to have a TT. WHEN DO YOU START SEEING YOURSELF REALLY CHANGE? Thanks!    — Betty Todd (posted on January 30, 2001)

January 30, 2001
Betty--how great for you, you've made it to the "other side!" Be patient! I know easy for me to say...I have been presurg dieting and have lost about 30#, I am only just beginning to get comments from my husband and family. The amount you've lost so far is great! Just think, a year from now, you will be telling some other newbie to chill and be patient, because you will be slim and adorable! Best wishes,
   — Elaine P.

January 31, 2001
Betty, I am 8 weeks post op and have lost 37 pounds. I started out at 233 and I'm only 5 foot 1. Although I NOW can see a difference in myself, very few other people have noticed anything at all! I've actually gone down 3 pant sizes! I say you're doing great and probably in a week or two you'll start to notice it yourself more too! Best of health to you!
   — Marnie K.

January 31, 2001
I started out at 294 pounds, I am 6 mos out and down to 198. I am just now with in the past couple of days seeing the big picture and seeing the results. I get more compliments. What helps is pictures. Take pics every couple of weeks and compare. That helps. But in time you will start feeling it and that is what is important. That you feel better about yourself, and that you can move and do things you couldn't do before. That is true success.
   — Alison B.

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