chewable vitamins

I am 11 months post op. Do I still have to take chewable vitamins and calcium or can I take whole pills. How about gel caps? Why do they recommend calcium citrate?    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 10, 2001)

January 10, 2001
Calcium citrate is more quickly and easily absorbed than other calcium compounds,such as that found in oyster shell calcium. One option for those who need crushed pills but can't stand the taste is to buy "soft-gels" and cut one end off, so they'll empty out into your stomach quickly--just swallow them fast so they can't be tasted. Another is to cut a vitamin into a few pieces with a pill cutter and swallow the pieces with a tasty liquid like lemonade. Personally, I will also drink a protein supplement (low sugar, lo cal) with a high percentage of daily vitamins added to each serving as an extra insurance.--Jesse, who has a surgery date at last--in 2 weeks!
   — Jesse M.

January 10, 2001
I've never used chewables, always swallows. SOFT GELS are what are not OK, those with oil inside. If you are RNY, you will not absorb much fats 'n oils, so you can't be sure you're getting much of the contents of an oil filled pill. You can open up a powdered pill, if you prefer. Citrate is the best absorbed form of calcium. We need more than 100% of the RDA because we are particularly high risk for osteoporosis. JUST losing a massive amount of wait is 1 risk, then being without the normal function of the stomach is another, then you start on down the risk list on a more personal level. 1500mg of calcium citrate with D is a good start. Watch the D levels in your blood, but only a bone scan will tell you what's going on in our bones. The calcium blood levels are very misldeading.
   — vitalady

January 10, 2001
Hi there! I continue to take chewables because I dislike the taste of whole pill vitamins (I think they taste terrible when cut-up.) I also take a "sublingual" vitamin B-12 that is really wonderful...It's a tiny, pleasant tasting pill that disolves quickly under the tongue. I purchased it at my local health-food store. My energy level has skyrocketed since I began taking it about 2 weeks ago. Hugs, Sharon
   — Sharon M.

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