Any words of wisdom?

Stomach staple Feb 96, initially lost 90 lbs then quit losing (no where NEAR goal). Over the past few yrs I've gained almost 1/2 of what I lost back. I'm looking into some type of bypass surgery now, anyone in my same boat or can offer suggestions? The WLS group in Sitka is wonderfully supportive...they turned me onto this site...I don't feel like such a "loser" anymore; there IS hope!    — Gail R. (posted on November 19, 2000)

November 19, 2000
If you look through the profiles you will find alot of people who have revisions and did just fine. The problem with only getting stomach stapling is that it only restricts what you can eat. With RNY, not only is the amount restricting, but the types of food you can eat are restricted. Some people cannot tolerate sugar or high fat foods. I am one of the people who tolerates just about anything, including sugar, however, I do not crave sugar so it is not a problem like it was in the past. The best advice I can offer to you is to find a doctor who has done revisions in the past and has been successful. Don't feel like a loser!!! You may have gained 1/2 of your weight back but you also lost some to, and remember it can be fixed so hang in there and I wish you good luck! RNY 08/21/00 65 pounds gone.
   — christine L.

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