Not a question. Found a great soup for the pureed diet.

I went to Trader Joes and found these cartons of pureed soup. They have the following flavors: Organic Creamy Potato Leek, Creamy Butternut Squash, Creamy Mushroom, Creamy Sweet Corn, Mushroom Broth, Organic Creamy Broccoli, Organic No-Chicken Broth, Organic Creamy Tomato, and Organic Begetable broth. They have about 1g. fat per 4 oz., sugar content varies by variety...squash was 7g. per 4 oz., broccoli was 2g. per 4 oz. I didn't buy the corn, so I can't tell you what it was...probably more though. These are ready to eat. Just pour out of the carton and heat. They cost $2.19 for a 32oz. carton. Pretty reasonable. And, you can beat the convenience. I'll let you know how they taste once I'm post-op. They only have a shelf life of about 1 week in the fridge after opening. Blessings...    — Michele A. (posted on August 27, 2000)

August 27, 2000
Here's an easy pureed soup recipe... One head cauliflower...cleaned...separated into flowerettes 1-2 T of margarine Sautee the cauliflower bits in margarine until golden/ Add 36oz fat free chicken broth/ Cover and cook on med heat until cauliflower is tender/ Use handheld blender and puree until smooth/Add 2 c of cheese/ You can vary, I prefer 2% cheddar/stir until cheese is melted. This is comfort food for me. I separate into smaller containers and freeze so that I can take it to work Enjoy!
   — Lucky B.

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