I'm considering getting a pedicure the day before surgery...

This may seem like a silly question but...I was thinking that with the risk of blood clots that getting a pedicure might not be a good thing to have done. You know, they do the massage on your calves and such. Anyone know of any such restrictions?    — Michele A. (posted on August 15, 2000)

August 15, 2000
The first thing I thought of when I saw your question was a risk of infection. Maybe if the pedicurist skipped the cuticle trimming it might be okay. You should probably ask your surgeon though.
   — Kellie L.

August 15, 2000
You might not want to get nail polish on your toe nails, at least just get clear polish. They like to look at your finger nails and toe nails during surgery. If they see a bluish color under the nail, it means you are low on oxygen.
   — Lynn K.

August 15, 2000
Ask your dr first, but I had one done before surgery and even though the rest of me felt like I had been hit by a truck after surgery, my pigs looked great. Remember no polish on the fingers so the O2 Sat. machine to be able to read you blood oxygen levels. Pamper yourself and enjoy.
   — Suzanne R.

August 16, 2000
I did my own the night before, Harlot Red. They sure kept me occupied whilst trying to ignore the IV/Anesthesiologist poking around my arm 50 times looking for viens. Especially when the gorgeous assistant offered to hold my hand and commented how he liked my toes. I swooned.... What IV? Plus they peek out of your lovely white hose, so it gave me somthing to admire! I did not paint my finger nails, per instruction from the hospital....
   — Karen R.

August 16, 2000
I had a pedicure and a manicure the day before surgery. I had the girl paint my toes in alternating blue and green funky/retro colors and I had her put clear on my fingernails. I made sure to show everyone my toes at the hospital, from the receptionist who checked me in to the 11PM to 7AM nurse! Everyone got a good laugh out of it and it kept me laughing too! Good luck with your surgery! Luv,...
   — heidiinPA

August 16, 2000
I had my toes done the week before too. A beautiful VAMPISH BEACHBABE PINK. And they removed it all for my surgery. :( I was so disappointed. LOL Oh Well..........I can now bend over to paint my toes whatever outlandish color I want!!!!! Woo hoo. 4Months Post Op Open RNY April 10/00 -60lbs
   — Lori W.

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