Tummy Tuck

I'm 23yrs. old and I had Gastric Bypass surgery in 2002. I'm debating on having the tummy tuck for two reasons: The insurance covering it, and my sister had it done and she had a very small waist and now he figure is king of square and her butt was flattened, she was very unhappy and I don't want this to happen to me. Has anyone had this problem?    — mamita093 (posted on April 8, 2005)

April 8, 2005
Well a tummy tuck is basically done to remove excess skin, if it was something the surgeon should have done different I would discuss that with them. I juts had one and my butt looks aweful, but that really has nothing to do with the surgery itself. I think it just depends on how you are made :)
   — Saxbyd

April 8, 2005
Also keep in mind that if you are only 23 and have not had kids and plan to do so, pregnancy would stretch out a post-tummy tuck and you would probably have to get another one after the what I'm saying is that if you plan to have kids and can wait to get a tuck, you may want to do so.
   — Cindy R.

April 8, 2005
I agree with you might want to wait til you have kids or you might want a redo after kids. I never had much of a waist pre TT/LBL , and still don't. Most people get a more defines waiste w/ the TT tho. My butt did get real flat, but with my gluteal workouts it is looking really good 6 moonths later. .
   — **willow**

April 10, 2005
PlEASE DON'T have this surgery (TT) until you have kids. It will be a waste of money, time and suffering. Because of the physics involved with pregnancy, your body must expand to a degree which can never be returned to your normal state. I can only say that you need to have a consultation with a plastic surgeon to be sure. God Bless.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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