It is possible to have Gastric Bypass with crohns.......

A lot of people have been searching a bout having crohns and having gastric bypass. If it has not been active for a few years, or you can get it cleared up, and stay in good health. It is possible, but only a specialist in the field can do the surgery. It is rare for crohns patients to be over weight as I understand. I took remicade infusions 3 of them and have been in remission since. A total of 5 years. I do have to give myself shots in the stomach twice a day, and have a port put in, but it is possible. I hope this info helps someone else. E-mail me, and I can give you the name of my doctor. [email protected]    — Brenda L. (posted on March 7, 2004)

March 7, 2004
brenda, since you say you have crohns disease I will assume you took prednisone long before they gave you remicade???? My son was dx with crohns when he was 13.. 3 YEARS of that devils drug prednisone and he balooned up to MO... after the prednisone quit working and was only giving him the side effects of hunch back and moon face, kidney/liver/heart problems we finnaly got the remicade. after a year of remicade he then ended up needing surgry due to a hole in the intestine.. while in the hospital he dropped 30 lbs.. this was 2 years ago and now he is once again MO.. his disease is still active. so YES you can be MO and have crohns!!! and it is "far" from rare! obviously if this is a topic that you say is talked about and researched so much where do you get rare anyway?. especialy with the over use of prednisone, low self esteem that the disease causes not to mention the deprssion.. also I want to say you can go into remisson but this diseases is a life long disease. I have never heard of it getting "cleared" up!!! also I belive that doctors are not as willing to do RNY (no clue about other types of wls) due to "short bowel syndrome". and depending on what part of the "GI" track a crohns patient has the disease most severe. you sound like you had a pretty mild flare up of disease and I pray you are able to stay in remission. my son, and others a I know arn't so lucky theresa
   — theresa D.

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