9 mos out and cold all the time

i'm 9 mos out, and stay cold. i can be in sweats wrapped in a blanket and have the thermostat on 80 and still be cold. i was hot natured bfor the surgery, and now i stay cold. i do have pernicous anemia and thyriod diesase, and just had both checked on the off chance somehting is wrong w/ them, and they came back normal.... help!! anyone out there having the same problem? if so any suggestions ideas or comments?    — mellyhudel (posted on February 7, 2004)

February 7, 2004
Well, as far as I can tell 'and Im over 36 months post... YOU NEVER GET WARM AGAIN! lol... iM SORRY... FAT kept us warm, when you start loosing the weight, you get cold. I have a nice pair of 'footie' pj' those keep me warm.
   — star .

February 7, 2004
I think we have internal thermometers that felt they didn't have to work so hard to keep us warm, because of our "insulation." Last night I wore 2 sweaters to bed with flannel bottoms. I slept on flannel sheets with 3 comforters, and had the temperature up to 70. Oh by the way I live in Los Angeles!!! I am cold. My fingers nails are blue blue blue!
   — mrsmyranow

February 7, 2004
I can tell you I am the same way! I am 10 months out and was always the one who sweat like a pig at the drop of the hat but now I have a space heater in my office and have 4 blankets on my bed, and the stat up to 80 also. Always cold! <p> 454/296/Wherever I stop
   — tpalmer

February 7, 2004
We lost all our padding sweetie!! I am 18 months post-op. I keep the heat on 78, I wear sweats to bed, never seen without socks, blankets everywhere. Noone is gonna freeze at my house..Sweat, probably, but they won't get cold if I can help it. My hubby is cold natured too..Thank God for that or somebody would suffer here!!
   — Sharon1964

February 7, 2004
Join the club! My doctor said that it is because we are taking in less calories and our metabolism is different now. He said that it will get better. I don't know I am still cold and he told me that back in August at my 3 month follow up apt.
   — ChristineB

February 7, 2004
Welcome to my world. I was always HOT before surgery. I could break a sweat standing up. Now at 16 months postop I am constantly freezing. I would say it started at 7 months postop. My husband says my surgeon broke my thermostat. <p> In the winter I wear flannel p.j.'s, sleep in flannel sheets and heavy down comforter, and the house temp. is set at 72. I still have the chills and my nose is cold. It has become a running joke between me and my husband. Unfortunately our heat bill has increased in the winter, but the AC bill is way lower in the summer. But I would rather deal with being cold instead of gaining back the 144 lbs. I've lost so far. I say bundle up, buy some long john type tops and a down throw to keep you warm. Good luck.
   — ckreh

February 7, 2004
Get your blood work done regurally, since anemia can cause this. BUT, I have been freezing for over 2.5 years now. Occasionally I will eat candy to warm up a bit when I am so cold I cant think. Cold and a sore backside from no padding are the downsides of loosing over a 100 pounds.
   — bob-haller

February 7, 2004
I have been told that it takes 5 years for our bodies to adjust to the changes and we actually feel warm again. Geesh, only 4 years, 4 months to go! Now, when does the tail stop hurting? lol Linda
   — Linda S.

February 7, 2004
Wellcome to the club. I sleep in sweat pants and sweatshirts and under them I'm wearing thermal underwear. Plus two blankets and Socks.
   — charanewme

February 7, 2004
And I thought I would be the first one to answer you. Look at all these posts. As they say, "Welcome to the Club" I wear hats scarves gloves and sleep in flannel stuff. Some nites I wear a t shirt, a thermal over that, sleep under a quilt topped by a thermal blanket. But you know that going into the department store and buying a size 36 pants beats it all. Down 145 after LAP-RNY on 10/8/03 and Full Belt Lipectomy on 12/22/03. Good luck to you.
   — Steve B.

February 7, 2004
I was living in sweats in July. Just can't seem to get very warm and then I discovered winter underwear for women. My hubby bought me a pair of heavyweight wintersilks and it is the most luxurious feel on my skin and I stay fairly comfortable in them around the house. Treat yourself at
   — Cathy S.

February 7, 2004
Someone posed this problem at our last support group meeting and our bariatric coordinator said if you are freezing, be SURE that you aren't anemic. She aaid it would not always be the cause but in some cases, it could be and it could be serious.
   —  SCbabe B.

February 7, 2004
I'm cold if I don't get enough protein & exaecise. I have found that if I drink a protein drink & then go to my aquarobics class I warm right up. & that is with a 240# weight loss.
   — msgracee

February 7, 2004
i am sooo happy to see i'm not alone. i just went to the dr last week and told him i'm always freezing. he told me that since i've lost all the weight i really did lose my insulation. i agree with a previous poster, i'll wear extra clothes instead of carrying the extra pounds....
   — candymom64

February 7, 2004
Me too. 8 months post and down 106lbs. I think my blood pressure has something to do with it. It was always normal to low but at the surgeon's 6 month post op check up it was 106 over 53. He said that it was fine but I think that is contributing to my low thermostat setting. Brrrr. (I don't think insulation has anything to do with it; since I know very skinny people who peal off clothing layers when they step foot in my rather warm house. They burn up.) I'm looking forward to actually being comfortable this summer in DC rather than hating the heat as I always have.
   — ReneeJune03

February 8, 2004
My doctor said until my body maintained its weight for a year or so, I would stay cold! Its because the lose fat insulation our bodies were use to...Just keep under wraps..haha, I sleep under 3 blankets and thick pj's and socks. Hands and feet stay cold. I'm 6mts post op. 310 now 215 surgery was on 7/31/03 God Bless You, Connie Lee
   — CONNIE L.

February 9, 2004
I'm 2 years post-op and am still freezing all the time! My hands and feet are like ice, much to my husbands shock when I place them all over him in bed at night! I'm not sure when we warm up again..maybe never...but still small price to pay for being a normal weight again!
   — Cindy R.

February 9, 2004
I'm over 2 years post-op and still haven't warmed up yet. I'm at work right now with a sweater on and my space heater running at full blast and my hands are like 2 chunks of ice!!
   — Patty H.

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