Can my sleep apena and 5 years of smoking can result in death

im 18 years old and weigh nearly 500 pounds so far the surgeon says im a candate for the lap bypass recently i had a sleep apena test and my oxygen levels fall to 65% when asleep when normal for my age is 91% they put me on a Bi Pap machine, i also had smoked for 5 years. would quit smoking and using the bi pap machine lower my death risk..    — Amanda F. (posted on January 8, 2004)

January 7, 2004
Yes on both counts.
   — johanniter

January 7, 2004
It appears you had surgery already? Or your profile needs updated? In either case its up to YOU to make yourself healthy. Quitting smoking and followin your docs orders aree a good first step.
   — bob-haller

January 7, 2004
Yes: sleep apnea and smoking can result in death, with or without WLS surgery! Severe obesity can also result in death, it just takes a bit longer. Weigh all your risks, and if you do decide to go ahead, do all you can to get yourself as healthy as you can before the surgery (use your bi-pap religiously, stop smoking--heck, stop smoking anyway).
   — Vespa R.

January 7, 2004
Sleep apnea and smoking increase your chances for complication. However, using your bi-pap and QUITTING SMOKING NOW, will level the playing field a bit. ALSO, please start an exercise regime to strengthen your body and lungs. I know it's hard at this point for you to exercise, but ANYTHING will help. Start walking and go as far as you can and then a little further each day, or get a walking tape for indoors or a Richard Simmons tape and stick to it. Speak seriously to your surgeon about your concerns and see what he thinks too. Good luck to you!

January 8, 2004
As others have stated, the answer to both your questions is "yes". The good news is that if you do what your surgeon tells you, you WILL feel better and the surgery will go so much smoother. I really feel for you, sister. I was the fattest kid in my highschool and it was really difficult for me - despite the fact that I had tons of friends and was really quite popular - I never dated or felt attractive. Those were hard years. I wish I had had the option of WLS 15 years ago. ITs been hard carrying this weight for so many years (I am 33). I am so excited for you!! This is going to be a wild ride! So, now you have to drop some weight? No prob! Somehow things get easier when you have a goal in sight. More good news, the heavier we are, the easier the weight comes off. So, start moving your body. I ordered Leslie Sansones "walk away the pounds" tapes and found the 1 mile tape totally doable (I weighed 366 at the time). There is not a whole lot of jumping around - but it gets you moving at home. Also, I had to quit smoking too. Dieting was easier! lol I just quit cold turkey - telling myself that I am doing this for my health because I dont want to die on the surgery table. I also kept telling myself that I could start again after surgery if I wanted (not the best tactic but it worked!). ITs been 3 weeks since surgery and I have not picked up a cigarette. They actually smell kinda nasty now! Anyway, sorry this post is so long. Your age and your struggle just really reminded me of myself and really touched my heart. I wish you all the luck in the world, mija!! Write if you ever need an ear! ~~Kimberly~~
   — MissKimberly

January 11, 2004
Quitting smoking always reduces you death risk and at 18 much of the damage done may even get better. Treatment for sleep apnea will also help extend your life. I have been using CPAP for about 5 yrs. I've never smoked but I have a lung disease and a lot of other comobidities. If you are considering surgery, you must stop smoking. Good luck. Carolyn
   — Carolyn B.

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