At what point should I start looking at having plastic surgery done??

I started out weighing 330 pounds and I am now down to 246 with about another 66 pounds to go to get to the 180 pounds that I'm shooting for. Here's my issue...things are starting to sag and my its the worst where my breasts are concerned. I knew I wanted to get them lifted at the very least, and possibly get breast reduction. My problem is that I'm not sure if I've lost enough weight yet to even consider it. So, like I said I'm at 246 now shooting for 180. At what point should I think about getting stuff lifted, tucked, removed??    — Michele A. (posted on November 28, 2003)

November 28, 2003
I am an RN who works in the Operating Room and I work with a Plastic Surgeon who specializes in body contouring after Gastric Bypass (I also recently had GB myself!) The surgeons generally tell you to wait until you are near or at your goal weight and your weight has stabilized before having any surgery done. Results are MUCH better if you do this. Best of luck! Shannon
   — Shannon L.

November 28, 2003
Most of the plastic surgeons in this area recommend you waiting 18 months after weight loss surgery before you even get a consult.
   — Lisa H.

November 28, 2003
Hey Michelle, Most surgeons who do the WLS will tell to get near or at goal. The reason for this is that if you still have more weight to lose, then the effects of the plastic surgery will have been for nothing. Also, you didn't mention if you have had children or are planning to have any children..This too is a concern for plastic surgeons. If you are planning to have children, they usually tell you to wait until after you are done having babies. This is b/c, again the plastic surgery will have been for nothing... Best of luck and you are doing FANTASTIC! with your weight loss...Keep up the good work! Hugs Marni <3
   — Marni

November 28, 2003
Congrats on all your hard work. Wait (not weight) until you are closer to goal. In the meantime, have fun shopping for smaller bras. I've lost 125 lbs and am at my goal of 175, but I'm still losing! My boobs are pretty small now (down from a 44D/DD to a 36 C), and they are hanging lower than ever. But, the new padded push up bras (think wonderbra, only with the generic target label for $10) are working true wonders! You just need something to make you feel great in your clothes. You already know how awesome you are inside! Blessings! Crystal
   — CrystalBroj

November 29, 2003
I'm 20 to 30 pounds from my goal. My surgeon told me to wait at least another six months before seeking plastic surgery--we'll talk about it at my year check up. He said that waiting may tighten the skin up enough that I can live with it. I sincerely doubt that the abdomen will shrink nearly enough for me to feel OK about it (age 44, overweight my whole life, starting weight 290). I may also lose lower than my goal (which is about 35 pounds above the insurance chart weight), and it's important to be at a stable weight for awhile to get the best result. I empathize with the desire to get it all fixed, but you'll be happier in the end to wait awhile.
   — Vespa R.

December 1, 2003
I am in agreement with what everybody has's your plateau or goal weight that determines the timing of surgery. I might add that the insurance approval process can take time, plus it is nice to get to know your plastic surgeon, perhaps meet other patients, etc. This is one reason to begin your fact-finding mission a bit earlier.
   — DrL

December 1, 2003
You should be within 20 pounds of your goal weight.
   — Patty H.

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