Low Carb/No Carb diet

I could use some suggestions on no/carb low/carb diet that I need to be on today. Tomorrow is clear liquids, I got that under control. It is today I am not sure what to eat or should I just do clear liquids to be safe? Surgery on Tuesday Shari Madore    — Shari M. (posted on September 7, 2003)

September 7, 2003
Call your doctor because everyone has different requirements on pre-op preparations. Good luck on your surgery Tuesday!
   — Starrlina

September 7, 2003
I you are on low to no carb then eat protein till your gut explodes. Technically veggies and fruit are carbs so to be safe do not eat them, but my surgeon had me on protein and veggies for 2 weeks before surgery. You can survive without some veggies and fruit. I assume it is understood that you cannot eat anything that resembles bread, potatoes, rice etc. If it starch it's a no-no. Congrats on your surgery being here. In just a few short days you will be on the healthy side of life! Make sure to let us know as soon as you can how you are doing. Here's wishing you an uneventful surgery and speedy recovery.
   — zoedogcbr

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