I'm 10 weeks out, and having bad problems

with chapped lips, and my skin is getting very dry and flakeing off. I shower in tepid water, I'm getting at least 70 oz of water a day, and am taking my vitimins like the doc recommended. The only thing I don't take is sublingual b12. He says my levels aren't low yet, and hasn't recommended takeing it. I use cetaphil to bath in and clean my face. I have roscachea, and it is the only thing that doens't cause a break out. I also use the lotion by cetiphyl 2-3 times a day. I even use it on my lips. I'm also getting 3 tsp fat/ day per the recommendation of my nutritionist. Anyone have an idea on what may be causing the cracked lips and flakeing skin?    — mellyhudel (posted on July 3, 2003)

July 4, 2003
It's because you are malabsorbing fats - the same thing happened to me around the same time. You do not say what surgery you had. I used nuetrogena body oil after the shower, and everything came back to normal in a couple of weeks. You'll be fine! Just be sure to slather on the lotions and oils!
   — JAFMartin

July 4, 2003
Are you taking Vitamin E? I take about 1000 i.u. of Vitamin E each day. This is in addition to any Vit. E I'm getting in my multi-vitamin. I'm afraid to try to swallow the gel-caps, so I pinch them open and squeeze them in my mouth. They don't taste too bad, but I wash them down with water or tomato juice. I notice a HUGE difference in my skin and cuticles and lips if I skip the Vitamin E. Make sure you are getting NATURAL Vitamin E and not synthetic. It makes a difference in the way your body absorbs it. I order from and they are not expensive. Right now they are having a 3 for 1 sale. If you have any questions, email me. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 4, 2003
I had the same problem. Plus, the skin on my face would actually burn if i touched it after exercising/sweating. Very dry and I broke out in something almost like acne. It went away on its own after a few weeks and I attributed it to the hormones in my body going bonkers.
   — Kristen S.

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