Need help went for test results yesterday, the Dr. said I wasn't mentally ready.

The psychitrist told me, I was depressed(well DUH). She also told me if I had this surgery she's scared I will not do well afterwards, because I can't eat to control my feelings(where did this come from) she also said I was the type of person that if I got stressed it, would effect me physically also(isn't that everyone). This is the results from the MMPI test. Please help do you think I'll still be approved. cheryl    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on May 20, 2003)

May 20, 2003
Cheryl, I am sorry to hear that the Psychitrist said you weren't mentally stable or ready for this surgery. Did she at least offer you to go to 6 months of counseling? From what I have heard, they usually will tell you to go for some therapy and medication to get you well enough for the surgery and the long run. Don't give up just yet! If your Dr. is like my Dr., he will not do the surgery unless the psychitrist says you are okay and mentally stable. Just think of this as one more step you have to take, HANG IN THERE! Take Care, Kim
   — baybekmbrly

May 20, 2003
My pshc doctor told me that he didn't know if I would do well because of my cultural background. (country gal that cooks big fatting, greasy foods for family). I just laughed and told him that southerners don't cook like Californians. (where he was from). Anyway, he said I was well prepared from my research here and did approve me. maybe she is just pointing out some issues you might need to think about and has the intention of passing you. Good luck.
   — Delores S.

May 20, 2003
Cheryl, My insurance denied me becauseof my Psych evaluation. My Psych told me he had no objections and thought that the surgery would benefit me, but he did not put in his letter to the surgeon/insurance company that he believed I was capable of the long term behavior modification necessaryt o succeed with this surgery. Once I told him that my mother committed suicide 2 1/2 yrs ago and that I have always had problems with depression I knew he would come up with a reason for me not to be able to have the surgery. If you are worried...GET A SECOND OPINION...these Psych's are Doctors, not God! Oh, by the way, I appealed the decision my insurnace company made to deny me...AND I WON...I'm having the surgery on 6/23/03. Go for it girl! Don't give up...this is too hard to make it through to let one little "no" stop you dead in your tracks! :) Keep smiling!
   — dlpnjlp

May 20, 2003
Just MHO, but I would find another psych. ASAP for another eval. Was this person recommended by the WLS surgeon? I think the psych. you saw should at least answer your questions and explain how she/he came to those conclusions in a relatively short amount of time.
   — koogy

May 22, 2003
Hi! Unfortunately I don't think it is going to make a difference if you get a second opinion regarding the results of your mmpi2 test.....The completed test is inserted into a machine that tabulates and categorizes the results. When I went to take the mmi2 test and get my psych eval. the psychologist told me upfront that under the circumstances(being morbidly obese) it was normal and understandable for the tests to show some depression and some other not so positive results.However,because of that she never flat out denies anyone clearance for surgery......she just recommends some preop and postop counseling.If the psychiatrist that you saw is not offering that to you then I would seek another psychiatrist who does but your test results will come back with the same results as before as it is tabulated by a machine.The counseling has been a great help to me and I think it will help me to be more successful after surgery.
   — jennifer A.

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