i have been having terrible pain for about a week now.
the pain is in the lower left quadrant of my abdomen and it is radiating to my back. i can't bend over at all. the pain happens most when i sit. if i stand or walk it subsides more. what is happening. i'm abut 3 weeks post lap rny. thanks, becky [email protected] — becky M. (posted on April 13, 2003)
April 13, 2003
I would contact my doctor and let him know, there is a chance that you
could have a hernia
— TotallyTori
April 13, 2003
becky, first you should check with your surgeon. just to let you know i
experienced left quadrant pain, and it lasted for about 3 weeks, it was
worse when i sat, or coughed, sneezed, and of course when i was on the
i sore i had a hernia, but it was just a pulled muscle.
hope yoou feel better soon. ~~~judy~~~
— judy B.
April 13, 2003
My mom just had Lap surgery three weeks ago and has had similar pain...her
surgeon said it might be the stitches pushing against the muscle and I told
her I thought it sounded more like muscle strain pain...if it doesnt stop
hurting ask your surgeon to look at it...any time you feel something you
dont think is normal if you can't ask someone who has had surgery whether
or not it is normal for post ops then call your surgeon immediately...that
is what they are there for...
— Jessica M.
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