Has Anyone Got Hypertension While Waiting On Surgery?

I have hypertension now and I never had it before. This really bothers me that I have another co-morbid condition that I will need to deal with. Does anyone think my PCP should put me on medication before the surgery? It is 160/100 which is unusually high for me. By the way, my insurance is already approved and I had to switch surgeons midstream. I may not have the surgery as late as Jan. or Feb.    — Nicole H. (posted on November 1, 2002)

November 1, 2002
yes, you should be on b/p medications. If I were you, I would call my pcp and let him know and leave it up to him. Then if he puts you on medication you should call the surgeon and let him know. It won't prevent you from having surgery, in fact hypertension is one of my co-morbs
   — Delores S.

November 1, 2002
I am an RN that went into surgery with B/Ps of 200 over 100+. I was taking a diuretic but I was not to take the medication the morning of the surgery. Anesthesia in surgery and the epidural or PCA you have will bring it down also. The last person was correct about re Dr.
   — Amy D.

November 1, 2002
Aloha!!! I know that it sounds bleak right now but actually the hypertension will resolve itself rather quickly once you have the weight loss surgery. I was on blood pressure medication for HTN before surgery (along with 23 other medications!) and within 2 months of surgery, I had lost 70 pounds and was off all my medication except for my thyroid medication. Hypertension, as the others indicated, is considered a life threatening comorbidity and will help you in the approval process for surgery. As long as you take your medication as directed, you won't be on it long. Once some weight comes off, your body will readjust to a normal blood pressure level and the medication can be tapered off and finally, discontinued. Hang in there.. Though it seems like horrible news at the moment, things will take a huge turn for the better once you have had surgery and are losing weight. Be the BEST LOSER YOU CAN BE!!!! Hugs, Kathie (in Hawaii)...........
   — KathieInHawaii

November 1, 2002
I just went on medication recently for hypertension. Mine was 170/100. I'm waiting for approval. It won't affect you having surgery. It can be dangerous if you're not on medication. It just gives me another co-morbidity.
   — melanie H.

November 1, 2002
I just went on medication recently for hypertension. Mine was 170/100. I'm waiting for approval. It won't affect you having surgery. It can be dangerous if you're not on medication. It just gives me another co-morbidity.
   — melanie H.

November 2, 2002
Yes. We are both in the same position. I went to my consult on yesterday and I now have HBP. It was 158/92, which is extremely high for me. I am normall 112/60 in that range! I hope it was just anxiety, but I am calling my PCP on Monday!
   — April N.

November 2, 2002
I had hbp for 10 years before wls. It was the last 9 months when they decided to change my meds that messed me up big time and got me looking into the surgery. I was either taking time releast that made me retain fluids, the fluid pills took it too low. With fluid, the swelling put pressure on my siactic nerve and caused severe pain. After 6 weeks of this, my pcp finally said stop taking all the medicine. He didn't know what else to do. I started acupuncture for pain relief and hbp. After 2 weks of 2 x weekly treatments, my pain was almost gone and the blood pressure was normal and I stayed completely off meds and normal pressure for 3 months before my surgery with acupuncture. My pcp was absolutely amazed at the result. After surgery, most patients with HBP have normal readings and are off meds by 2 months post up.
   — Elizabeth K.

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