i have only lost 10 lbs in 3 months

i went to the dr. in july and had lost 32 or 38 lbs cant rember for sure. but now i have only lost 44 all together. some people at my suport group think i may have a leak or that what im eating is just storing in my old stomach. so i went to see a different dr. and he said to come back to him on the 30th after i see my dr. on the 25th and he will do an upper gi if my dr. doesnt do one. is that the only test that they do to see if there is a problem? is there something i can do at home? and i dont like cottage cheese.just incase you were thinking to tell me to do that test. can i use something eles? i had my surgery on may 9th 2002. for the last 2 months i have been gaining and losing the same 5 to 6 pounds. one day im 265 and the next day im 270 and the a day or two after that im 263 or 267 i just dont know what to do. help me please    — chrissy T. (posted on October 9, 2002)

October 9, 2002
you could be dealing with several things. A plateau comes to mind. You are probably weighing in to often also. I have heard, however not done for myself, the oatmeal test. Which is the same as the cottage cheese test. Cook to thick consistency and let sit until a little hard and then eat. Be sure and measure out exactly so that as you eat you will know exactly what you have consumed. This will tell you the size of your pouch and you should know by that if it is larger than it should be at this time. You didnt mention which surgery you had either. That makes a difference. I wish you blessings in your weight loss and hope all comes out well.
   — darlene N.

October 9, 2002
i had a open rny sorry i didnt say that before
   — chrissy T.

October 9, 2002
Chrissy...I just wanted to say that you are not alone. This has been my pattern over and over since about 5 months post op. I will stay at a certain weight for weeks bouncing up and down a range of 5 lbs like a yoyo. I know my eating is pretty good but my exercise habits could be better. I wish I had a magic answer to how to break this cycle the only thing to do is ride it out. I know that even though the scale hasn't moved clothes fit me differently and I find some comfort in that. Hang in there!
   — SARose61

October 10, 2002
Chrissy, tried to check your profile but no info on what you are eating, how often, exercising, water? All these things can have an effect on weight loss. Are you concentrating on protein, eating enough, or eating too much? 10 pounds in 3 months is not normal, but could just be a stubborn plateau. Having the doc check it out with an upper GI is good, however, at home you can practice the rules of the pouch in the meantime and see if that helps. If you are not eating enough, increase the frequency that you eat, if you are grazing-stop. If you are not getting in enough water, drink more and if you are not exercising, start. Good luck and let us know...
   — Cindy R.

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