Has anyone ever been postponed due to an old surgical wound?

My surgery was delayed until further notice because a surgery wound from July 20 of last year still hasn't healed 100%. Anybody been here? Or am I the only fool who wasn't alarmed by it? Doctor said there could be infection in it. Wouldn't I have symptoms? I feel rotten from carrying a lot of weight around, but maybe some of it has health issues behind it. What do you think I'll have to prove on paper before he'll reschedule surgery? Or will he just take my word that it's healed? It has closed up a great deal in the past few weeks. As a point of reference, it used to be about 6 inches deep. Now it is about 1/4 inch deep. Thank you all for being here.    — vickie D. (posted on September 8, 2002)

September 15, 2002
As a healthcare worker ( I happen to work for a Wound Care center at a hospital in my area) I would be concerned that a surgical wound took over a year to close. My incision from my RNY only took a little over 2 weeks to be completely healed. I would wonder if they cut you open again that it would take just as long as the current wound. He's smart to be cautious about it because what would happen if you developed serious complications after this surgery?? In my job I've seen some horrific wounds and have a much better appreciation for my health. As a patient I can see where you are coming from with wanting to lose the weight but I can also see it from the doctors point of view because they have to be very careful with their patients lives to avoid bad outcomes. I'm sure if this had happened to someone else that he would treat it exactly the same way. Besides, if you really don't like the doctor, why are you staying with him? Surely there are other physicians in your area that you could consult that you might like better? Just my 2 cents.....sorry to ramble on. Good Luck!
   — Janine B.

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