my husband supports me but he said to me the other day
meaning dont die has anyone encountered this before. i have thought about that risk. but am willing to go for it. but all of a sudden i have this in my mind what if i am one of the ones. has anyone encountered this if so please respond — elizabeth R. (posted on September 3, 2002)
September 4, 2002
Hi Elizabeth, My husband was supportive of my decision too, but was very
scared that he might lose me. My children (ages 12 & 16) were also
very scared. All of them felt they would rather have me FAT than not have
me at ALL. I had a frank discussion with them right before going into
surgery and told them I couldn't continue this way and I was having it done
for ME. To be scared/nervous prior is normal. I think (but not sure)that
people who have serious complications with the surgery usually have severe
health problems prior to surgery. Or some are older and also have health
complications prior to surgery. Good luck!
— [Deactivated Member]
September 4, 2002
Elizabeth, I think this is a fear everyone and their family especially your
spouse experiences. There is risk with being obese also, and more people
die from obesity related problems than from surgery. You nor your husband
are alone here and if you need any support your at the right site :) These
people are the best supporters you can find. Good Luck!
— Lynda T.
September 4, 2002
my husband said the same thing to me too. and i was also sure that since
this was my first ever surgery of any kind that i would die as well. i
even made a will and called my life insurance agent to make sure i would be
covered just in case, plus the other "whole nine yards". just
before i went into the operating room, my husband motivated me to 'fight'
through my fear by promising/threatening to give all my stuff to his
ex-wife (who i really don't like)if i didn't come back to him! trust me, i
was laughing so hard when they wheeled me away, i really forgot about dying
and tried to think of a good comeback for him. of course everything was
finewith me and, no complictions or any other problems. you will be fine,
keep good spirits and laugh, laugh, laugh! don't worry about the 'what
ifs', celebrate you now and you post op. you are beautiful and have made
the best decision of your life.
— salymsmommy
September 4, 2002
When I told my husband about real bad complications he didn't say a word so
I just gave him the evil eye and told him not to expect me to check out so
fast after 39 years of marriage because I still enjoyed making his life
miserable ( he just laughed )
— charanewme
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