I'm 3 weeks post-op and I get this sharp pain in my stomach & right upper back.

It doesn't always happen, but I do notice it happens mostly when I eat or drink. I chew well and eat slowly and it still happens. I've also noticed it happens when I drink room-temperature water. Last night I had to use a heating pad to alleviate the pain. Can anyone relate? Thanks for any help. Mabel Padron-Hernandez    — Mabel P. (posted on August 13, 2002)

August 13, 2002
Hi, I'll be 6 weeks post-op tomorrow and I know what you're talking about. It's mostly just the effects of the surgery, including the anesthesia. The best thing you can do is to walk, drink plenty of water and keep using that heating pad. Not a bad idea either if you can convince someone to massage your back for you and get the circulation going. Best Wishes - Anna LAP RNY 7/3/02 -49lbs.
   — Anna L.

August 13, 2002
You have alot of internal scarring and certain items may aggrevate them. Also, be careful of infections in the path that they cut through the fat to get to your stomach ( you have blood flowing through the skin and muscles but not the fat so infections are common).
   — Brian G.

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