Plateua vs being able to eat more.

I am 14 weeks post op and have lost 74lbs so far. Over the last month the amount of food I can eat has increased (I can now eat a regular slice of pizza for example) and not feel full, but satisfied. I was not very good at exercising, but I am now walking 2 miles 4-5 times per week and do water exercises in my pool 3+ times per week. I only lost 4lbs in the last 2 1/2 weeks, but my back, hips and legs are thinner and tighter. I seem to plateau every few weeks, but over the last 2 weeks I can eat about twice as much what I did a month ago. Is this normal or did I somehow stretch my pouch? I can only eat a little for breakfast, more for lunch and the most at dinner time. Thanks in advance for the help.    — Don A. (posted on July 16, 2002)

July 16, 2002
I dont have an answer but I hope someone does. I am the same way. I can eat more at lunch and dinner too. i am eating about 4oz for my evening now when I was eating only 2!! GOOD LUCK!
   — Shannon L.

July 16, 2002
Me too.
   — Jennifer A.

July 16, 2002
Hi, it is scary at first when you go through this. Cause like it or not, most of us are on our own. I know we have support here and alot go to support groups, but what I mean is that I am the first person in my family and the second that I know of in my community to have this done. So everything is new and confusing. I have turned to our WLS family many times. Always with great results. And now I will advise you as they advised me, your stomach will get a little bigger. It is natural. The first six weeks your stomach was swollen and now is healing really nicely and is able to hold more. At nine months out I can eat almost a whole cheeseburger, (plain meat and bun and cheese most of the bun gone) most of a taco. Sometimes a piece of pizza. I could probally do more. But I won't. I want to make the most of my tool. But I also want to live a normal life. I hate the counting the calories and the fat and the protein. But I do watch the protein mostly. I just watch the quanity and the quality of the food I eat. Not much junk lots of good stuff!!!!!!!!! Good luck and god bless. OPEN RNY -103lbs and counting!!!! BTC of OH
   — TONYA B.

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