First I want to thank all those who have posted their words of encouragement on my

surgery page, I am really greatful. Also I wanted to ask, I am having surgery on Thursday and I have not bought anything such as vitamins nor protein drinks or anything. Am I really behind schedule here? Thanks for your help.    — Pilar E. (posted on June 11, 2002)

June 11, 2002
Great advice from Julie. I also suggest getting some no sugar added apple sauce, some instant Cream of Wheat and instant mashed potatoes, which I lived on for the first few weeks. My doctor had me off liquids and onto pureed before I even left the hospital. Best of luck to you!
   — Michael N.

June 11, 2002
Buy everything in small quantities -- some things will taste differently after surgery, some vitamins aren't tolerated as well as others, etc... I rented a hospital bed because I have a two-story house. If that would help you, have the hospital set up delivery for you with a prescription -- that way your insurance will pay for it. There are some fruit juice bars that are good, and chicken broth. These items have some calories/substance to them, which I found helped a lot when I had to take my disgusting painkiller (Roxicet). Without it, the medicine would burn my tummy. Make sure you have this week's People on hand -- it has Carnie Wilson on the cover. Let us know how you did!
   — Karen F.

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