im 10 days post-op and im am have bad pain
im 10 days post op and having real bad pains in my upper left side of my back and also in my left side just started hurting today bad enough to make me cry hurts worse when i take a breath any help — chrissy T. (posted on May 21, 2002)
May 20, 2002
Hi. I have similar pain to what you describe only not in the back area.
Mine is all on the left side around my rib area. Hurts when I yawn, laugh,
burp etc.......kinda like a broken rib or something. I am 4 mos. post op. I
asked my dr. about it and he said it is most likely scar tissue. Scar
tissue can take from 6 mos. to a year to heal, so I am told. I had a CAT
scan a week ago to make sure that it was just scar tissue and apparently
that is what it is. I still take pain meds cause it bothers me most when I
sleep. Also will really bother me if I do anything strenuous. However, if I
were you I would call your doctor and tell him about it. See what he has to
say. By the way, I had Lap RNY.
— Kim B.
May 20, 2002
I had the same pain that you are talking about. But I left the hospital
with a drain tube in my upper side. I feel that it was were my pain was
originating from. After I had the drain removed all is well. Good luck!
— Karen M.
May 20, 2002
Do you have any other signs that you may have Pneumonia?
To have that kind of pain that brings tears, I would call the Doctor as
soon as the office opens,
I am so sorry you are in pain,
— Jeri P.
May 20, 2002
I had the same EXACT thing.. even the way you describe it. When I took a
deep breath it was even worse. It happened right around the same time it
is for you. I finally went to the hospital where they did cat scans and
everything else under the sun - turned out it was trapped gas. This is
very common due to everything being "moved around" during
surgery. It went away on its own. Good luck!
— Jen S.
May 21, 2002
Hey Crissy-
Congrats on your surgery. I am 3 weeks out and for the first 2 weeks had a
similar pain in my left side right under my rib cage. When I asked my
Surgeon about it, he told me that's always the most painful spot and that
it will go away. It went away, for me, after 2 weeks. It'll get better.
That is also the largest incision I had, so I'm assuming that's where they
do quite a bit of work on you during the surgery.
— Michael N.
May 21, 2002
Hi...first I'd like to say that if it is pain bad enough to make you cry,
then your doctor should be consulted. It could be referred pain from the
rib spreaders they use during surgery. My back is still killing me 19 days
after surgery. I have a lot of pain up under my armpits and referred to
the back. I use a heating pad during the day and at night for 20 minutes
and it seems to help some. Also Salonpas patches (get at any drugstore)
help a lot to ease that pain. But in your case, I would certainly call the
doc and discuss it with him/her. Hugs, Joy
— [Deactivated Member]
May 21, 2002
Hi...first I'd like to say that if it is pain bad enough to make you cry,
then your doctor should be consulted. It could be referred pain from the
rib spreaders they use during surgery. My back is still killing me 19 days
after surgery. I have a lot of pain up under my armpits and referred to
the back. I use a heating pad during the day and at night for 20 minutes
and it seems to help some. Also Salonpas patches (get at any drugstore)
help a lot to ease that pain. But in your case, I would certainly call the
doc and discuss it with him/her. Hugs, Joy
— [Deactivated Member]
May 23, 2002
I had the same pain weeks after my surgery. Sometimes I thought it was
just unbearable and worried that I would always have this pain and wondered
if there would ever be a day that I would feel pain free. I am pain free
now and my doctor said it was gas pockets. They are very painful and tend
to move around. I'd say after about 4 weeks the pain went away and I feel
great now.
— Diananana
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