Embarrassing moments...

In the last month I've really had some embarrassing monents, especially at work, since that's where I spend most of my time. I have gas that escapes without warning & have really been embarrassed when it smells like something died. AND, worse, I get air trapped in my vagina when I'm sitting down and when I stand up it gushes out, sounding like a rather loud fart...which happened in front of a co-worker (she thought it was a regular fart though, which was bad enough). I wear a rather tight girdle and don't know if that has anything to do with it. Has this happened to anyone else?    — Betty Todd (posted on April 23, 2002)

April 23, 2002
A very tight girdle will cause an increase in gas. Have you tried gas x or beeno. Im not sure if you have had a wls or not but before taking anything talk to your doctor.
   — michelle B.

April 23, 2002
I haven't had surgery yet, but the oder may have something to do with the distance of bowel bypass. The longer (distal) the bypass the smellier and the more diahrea you will have from my understanding. As far as the vigina farts , they should be odorless. You didn't say if you have had a hesteroctomy (sp)or not, but my mom who has had one has the vf. too, That is her chief complaint . Hope this helps.
   — sandy W.

April 24, 2002
Wow....first, thanks for your honesty. I am pre-op and while I love to hear al the great results I also really want to know the nity gritty. I think this is THE nitty gritty ! LOL. Not a laughing matter Im sure! However, perhaps the best thing to do is laugh. Tell em' thats how your losing weight, one fart at a time. of course you can also try a little music at your desk and a nice can of aromatherary room spray. you don't want the smell to linger. Good luck, im sure this won't last forever, and losen up on the girdle! have a great day, one day you will look back and laugh!
   — robyn R.

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