Do I have to have all these test done before getting the approval through the ins?

For example: Dietician Letter, Psych. Eval.& Sleep Apnea Test. All I thought I would need is the Letter of Medical Necessity. I have already spoken with someone through my ins. and they said that they would fax the letter to my PCP. Then he would fax it back.    — Nicole H. (posted on April 17, 2002)

April 17, 2002
Hi, Most Dr's offices know what the insurance companies will look for when processing approval so they send you on all these test to have you "covered" when the ins. co. inquires. Also, these tests are very beneficial to your surgeon in knowing you are a good candidate for surgery. Best Wishes
   — Tammy B.

April 17, 2002
It's not always the insurance companies that require these tests, it is also the surgeons that do. My surgeon required much more that my insurance company did....He wants to make sure that I am as mentally and physically fit enough for the surgery and the lifestyle changes after.
   — DJeffrey

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