How will I be able to eat enough to support muscular 6'5
My goal weight will probably be over 240 lbs. Nutritionists recommend 1 gram of protien for each pound of weight. How will I get that many grams of protien to mantain my frame long term? BTW I am vegetarian. — Howard L. (posted on April 3, 2002)
April 2, 2002
Howard, you will need to be a label reader and maximize every ounce you
eat. Check protein counts. As a vegetarian, you are probably already aware
of the best sources of vegetarian
protein. If you are lacto-ovo (eater of dairy & eggs), you can easily
boost protein intake with whey powder - whey is a milk product. It is
easily found at GNC or other nutrition stores. If you are vegan (nothing
animal-based), check out the soy-based protein supplements. They can
provide 30 or more grams of protein per serving. Read the label. (Some of
these can taste pretty grim and gritty, but some are not bad.) Most
protein supplements come in powder form or as snack bars. Don't forget
vegetarian chili, too! And don't
forget beans, beans, beans! Good luck and happy tasting! Margie B
— Marjorie B.
April 3, 2002
Howard go to the website where you will find tons of
protein supplements. You can also purchase samples for $1.99 each until
you find a brand/flavors you like. My favorite is the Sci-Whey Protein.
— DJeffrey
April 3, 2002
Try Veggie fuel (Twin Labs)and light 'n lively yogurt mixed with a little
water. Thats 40 gms of protein. Remember if you had surgery you may have
malabsorbtion issues. That's at least 6 cups a day. There are also protein
pills. You can find the name of them by going to the library on this site
and searching.---- Good Luck
— Robert L.
April 3, 2002
In the beginning it will be difficult. As time goes on you do have a
larger pouch capicity and this will help you alot. However 1 for each lb
body weight may be excessive. It would be nice during your weight loss
phase but one you achieve your goal you can probably drop your intake to a
more normal 90 to 140. My father is a dietician as well as a personal
trainer. He recommends for active body builders about 150 grams a day. By
a year to a year and a half post op that will not be to difficult to do.
— Jennifer H.
April 4, 2002
Another option if you haven't already looked into it is, the DS (duodenal
switch) surgery rather than the RNY. Your stomach is left fully fuctioning
but smaller than now. You start out with a stomach size of about 3-5
ounces versus about 1 ounce pouch(this is what I've been told they are
usually made but I may not be 100% accurate here). Over time with the DS
your stomach will stretch back to about 8-10 ounces. The size of a small
meal. If you haven't checked it out it may be worth your time.
— Stephanie Z.
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