I think I have stricture and I am falling into depression....I need help!!

Hi. I am now 4 weeks post-op Roux-en-y lap and am completely miserable. I have developed an ulcer which I am now taking Nexium and my doctor believes I now have stricture. I cant hold anything solid down AT ALL! NOTHING.... I have this feeling of this ball in my throat, then I have to throw up - first flem or a mucus substance comes out. What is the procedure for stricture? Can someone out there please tell me this will get better. The depression is starting to set in, I cry at the drop of a dime and I can't even sleep at night... The good news is I have lost 20 pounds so far. Please dont bash me, but I'm at that "why did I do this to myself" stage. I NEED HELP. God Bless all of you!    — scodorniu (posted on March 26, 2002)

March 26, 2002
They should scope you IMMEDIATELY! They have you swallow a thin tube that can look at your pouch and stoma and enlarge your stoma. Its quick and painless. Jen my wife has been scoped pre op. Lots of folks have. To get scoped faster tell then your having trouble drinking fluids. That will get you scoped real fast. Now relax, LOTS of folks have problems post op, Jen my wife was unhappy for a time. Her surgery was December 10th, Check out this picture of us. NOW she is happy! and so am I. You will be like us soon! <P>
   — bob-haller

March 26, 2002
Hon, call your doc, tell him you aren't getting liquids down. He should have you scoped immediately. I had it done at about 6 weeks and was miserable from week 4-6 because I didn't know what to ask for. It only takes a few minutes and then you can miraculously eat/drink! It really is that fast. It doesn't hurt either. Email me if you want the particulars. Good luck!
   — sandieguy

March 26, 2002
Hi Sandra, please don't despair, things WILL get better. First off it sounds like you definitely have a stricture. If you do, the procedure to fix this is fairly easy. Its a lot better than living with a stricture. They can scope you and dilate the opening with a balloon. They give you some 'happy juice' so that you don't remember a thing. And you will feel *so much better* afterwards. You can eat again and get your strength back. I had 2 strictures so I know that they can make you miserable. The light at the end of the tunnel is just around the corner. Get back with your surgeon and tell him that you cannot eat. He should get you taken care of very soon. Feel free to email me if you have any more questions. Take care.
   — Cheri M.

March 26, 2002
I don't know anything about the stricture, but I do have some advice for the depression. Three things; pray that you will be able to see this as a blessing, see a doctor, and know that this is a blessing and it will get better! I went into a terrible depression. I was so mad at my sisters for "pushing" me into this decision. How dare they, they are all skinny and don't know what it's like to be me! I missed the fact that I couldn't eat even a whole slice of pizza or get a BK whopper since they were on sale then! I saw every commercial for food, and every billboard advertised cheap breakfast sandwiches. They almost give them away to people who "can" eat. Oh, it was awful! I got so low that I just fell to my knees one day and bellowed to God to help me. I decided that I needed to go see a doctor and that's when I was prescribed an antidepressant. Everybody kept telling me that it would get better, but I could not see it. My family would get together and go out to eat and I would just meet them later so that I would not be tempted to eat. I was miserable. In about 6 weeks postop and two weeks on Zoloft, I started feeling so much better. Now I am so happy and am still dealing with my food issues. Since I went through therapy and started trusting in God, I have gotten it together. I was so blessed! It will happen, but you can't do it by yourself. Get some help. I know where you are and I want you to get better. God wants you to get better. Write me if you need more help, I understand.
   — Stephanie N.

March 27, 2002
It definately sounds like you have a stricture. I am almost 5 months out and have had four so far. The endoscope is painless and very fast. Call your surgeon immediatley and they can refer you. As for the depression, I went through some about a month out, it gets better!! Talk to someone, see a therapist. I promise it will get easier, hang in there. I know the adds on TV are horrible and everything sounds so good especially when you are limited to pudding and cottage cheese..turn the TV off and go soak in the tub or go for a walk, get your mind off of it. I know it is hard, and learning new ways of eating in the begining suck, but like I said before it gets easier and we are all here for you. Good luck, Bambi
   — Bambi T.

March 28, 2002
I just want to say **THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS** all of you who have taken the time to answer my questions and who have personally e-mailed me. You are all a true blessing. I have an appointment with the gastroenterologist on Monday at 1:15 and I know things will be better. All my love, Sandi
   — scodorniu

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