Has anyone heard about a chumm disease?

it seem to effect obese people. one of it's symptoms is a hump at the nape of you neck/upper back. it has something to do with headaches and they have to do surgery on your brain to cure. I seen it on tv the other day. i would like more info. thanks    — suzan R. (posted on March 7, 2002)

March 7, 2002
I have not heard of Chumm disease. But I know the "buffalo hump" is associated with Cushings Disease/Syndrome. This is caused from tumors on the Adrenal glands or Pituitary (spelling?) gland. I have a buffalo hump, and am now being tested for tumors. All of my tests are coming back positive so far,and I am due for a Cat scan on Sunday to determine the problem. This condition has completely put my WLS on hold. My DR says I may not even need it now, if the tumors are removed. Has anyone else been diagnosed with Adrenal tumors?
   — ScatCat

March 7, 2002
My mom had something similar to this removed many years ago, however she was not obese. Supposedly, they thought it caused her headaches, but it did noit help.
   — Michelle H.

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