DO we absorb fats and grease through our skin?

I am 8 months post op and a question was brought to my attention, and im not sure if it is true or not, so thought id post and see what comments I get. Ive lost about 102lbs so far, but I work in a resturant cooking. I was told recently that we absorb the fat and grease around us through our skin, and I got worried. With me working around it alot, Im afraid it will slow my weight lose and maybe make me even gain some back. Now im not sure this is true, and thought Id post to see what I could find out. Thanks In advance....    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 25, 2002)

February 24, 2002
No, you won't absorb the fat or grease through your skin. The person who told you about that may have been talking about the fat or grease that you'll have ON your skin at the end of your shift, but you WON'T absorb it into your body.
   — garw

February 24, 2002
This question reminded me of when I was on HCG injections , for weight loss of course. I was on a NO fat diet and they even told me to wear surgical gloves whenever I was handling meat for my family and I was to never be around the kitchen if something was frying!!! My Surgeon got a good laugh over this one.I guess it's true what they say about fat people---we'll buy anything, if it will make us thin. No wonder the weight control industry is making billions of dollars a year. I think I contributed about a million in my lifetime!!! Oh well, live and learn. So, in answer to your question---no-- we do not absorb fat through the skin.Diane
   — Diane D.

February 25, 2002
I am the orginal poster, I want to thankyou everyone for putting my worries to rest. I can go back to cooking up a storm LoL Thanks again.
   — [Anonymous]

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